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Strategies used by private land owners to maintain healthy and sustainable environments.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategies used by private land owners to maintain healthy and sustainable environments."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategies used by private land owners to maintain healthy and sustainable environments

2 What do you already know? List as many things as possible that you know, which farmers do to manage their land in a sustainable way. List as many things as possible that private land holders of urban blocks do to sustain healthy environments.

3 Urban Blocks -Water tanks -Plant Native Trees -Remove Invasive Species -Keep cats inside at night -Grow their own fruits and vegetables

4 Farmers Create Wildlife Corridors These are corridors of native vegetation that allow animals to travel from one place to another. They are valuable to farmers because they also provide habitat for many birds and insects that pollinate their crops and provide shelter for their stock.

5 Land for Wildlife Some Land holders protect sections of wildlife to help maintain biodiversity on their farm Again this can help the farmers as it can increase crop yields nearby. The program is coordinated by the government and participants can receive some funding to help them cover costs

6 Crop Rotations Some crops take essential nutrients out of the soil, while others put them back in. Changing the type of crop grown in a field regularly helps ensure that the soil is able to sustain life.

7 Organic farming practices These include using organic pesticides, or planting species of other plants nearby that help deter pest species.

8 Invasive species removal Farmers are encouraged and in some instances required to control invasive species on their properties. Controlling invasive species can cost money, however, it usually increases crop or cattle production.

9 Task Create a basic brochure that is aimed to encourage farmers to do one of the actions that we just discussed. It must include: A slogan Some info saying why the farmer should do it for the environment Some info saying why the farmer should do it for their own interests A picture

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