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Faculty Senate Budget Presentation January 2011 Robert Cramer -Assistant Chancellor Cathy Riedl-Farrey - Director, Financial Services.

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Presentation on theme: "Faculty Senate Budget Presentation January 2011 Robert Cramer -Assistant Chancellor Cathy Riedl-Farrey - Director, Financial Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 Faculty Senate Budget Presentation January 2011 Robert Cramer -Assistant Chancellor Cathy Riedl-Farrey - Director, Financial Services

2 Presentation Outline Summary of Funding Sources 2009-10 Closing Balances (June 30, 2010) 2010-11 All Funds Budget Financial Forecast Scenarios TSI Detail Debt Service Detail Summary of 2009-11 Budget Lapses State Budget Background Material Quarterly Briefings

3 Funding Sources General Purpose Revenue – includes general funding, specific purpose funding, and earmarked funding from the state Program Revenue – includes tuition, auxiliaries, and segregated fees Federal Revenue – includes federal grants, financial aid, direct loans Gifts and Grants – includes revenues from the Foundation, non federal grants

4 FY2009-10 Closing Balances All Funds Summary (Cash Basis) Beginning Cash$15,250,901 ( July 1, 2009 ) Total Revenue$121,971,949 Total Expenses$112,172,872 Net Income$ 9,799,077 Closing Balance$ 25,049,668 ( June 30, 2010 )

5 FY2009-10 Closing Balances Fund 102$3,533,986 – General operations, tuition revenue, base of $48 Million Fund 123$3,976,226 – Debt service, base of $4 Million Fund 128$3,843,804 – Dining, housing, parking, base of $25 million Fund 131 $10,501,319 – Distance Learning, School of Ed Cost Recovery, TSI, base of $11.8 Million Fund 136$2,419,089 – Similar to 128, HTCP, camps & conferences, base of $3 Million

6 2010-11 All Funds Budget $148.9 Million

7 Financial Forecast Scenarios Revenue modeling to project available funds from the state, TSI, and tuition (traditional undergrads and grads) Key variables are enrollment and state support Assumes 5% increases in tuition Assumes flat state funding – general purpose revenue

8 Enrollment Summary (FTE) Original ProjectionsFall 2010 Baseline TSI Enrollment1,0351,219 Undergraduate In State5,2315,319 Undergraduate Non Res 43 110 Graduate Students 154 169 Totals6,4636,817 Note – these figures exclude distance learning, study abroad, and school of education cost recovery students

9 Original Projections

10 Fall 2010 Baseline

11 Scenarios Examined Original Projections (Fall 2009 with non res decline) Fall 2010 Baseline – updated for sixth week Split of Fall 2010 Baseline and Originals Increasing Enrollment – Growth of 50 in TSI, and 50 non resident undergraduate Decreasing Enrollment – Decline of 50 in TSI, 35 in undergraduate, and 15 in graduate

12 Summary of Projected Closing Balances FALL 2010 ORIGINAL DECREASE 100

13 TSI Budget Detail 2010-112011-122012-13 Count ProjectedCount ProjectedCount Projected Revenue 1,237 11,773,980 1,150 11,431,000 1,150 11,770,250 Expenses: Salary & Fringe 112 7,224,000 114 7,416,000 115 7,755,000 Supplies 633,520 574,000 570,000 Debt 2,070,000 Incentive Grants 687,500 765,000 Contingencies - - - Total Expenses: 10,615,020 10,825,000 11,160,000 Note: 34 positions were formerly GPR funded

14 Questions from Faculty Use of Salary Savings – Past Uses of Savings Faculty Fellows Program – Funding and Engagement

15 Debt Service UW-Platteville has two types of debt service on facilities – General Fund Borrowing is funded through state appropriations of general purpose revenue – Program Revenue Borrowing is funded through University revenues including TSI Debt is issued centrally by the State 20 year bonds are typical

16 Debt Service Detail DescriptionFund FY2009 Budgeted FY2010 Budgeted FY2011 Budgeted Bond End Date General Fund110 4,896,561 5,392,182 5,462,888 Parking123 264,300 260,400227,300FY2030 PAC123 88,175 88,16112,726FY2012 Fieldhouse Addition123 209,198 415,000319,294FY2030 Children's Center123 36,605 35,83235,842FY2020 Pioneer Student Center123 916,887 918,566919,251FY2021 Residence Halls123 1,888,493 1,913,3401,913,710FY2030 Stadium123 150,736 153,736154,771FY2025 Food Service/Union123 391,004 417,973428,239FY2030 Chancellor's Residence123 15,750 15,23615,241FY2019 Subtotal123 3,961,148 4,218,244 4,026,374 TSI194 2,070,000 FY2030 Grand Total Debt Service 10,927,709 11,680,426 11,559,262

17 Summary of 2009-11 Reductions FINAL 2009-11 BUDGET 2009-102010-11Biennial Total REDUCTIONS:GPR/FeePR***TOTALGPR/FeePR***TOTALGPR/FeePR***TOTAL Government Efficiency 1,390,900 - 1,419,100 - 2,810,000 - 1% Across the Board 286,992 248,787 535,779 286,992 248,787 535,779 573,984 497,574 1,071,558 Auxiliary Transfer - 1,371,327 - - - - 2% Pay Plan Reductions** 580,762 105,096 685,858 580,762 105,096 685,858 1,161,524 210,192 1,371,716 Furlough Reductions 751,079 176,109 927,188 751,079 176,109 927,188 1,502,158 352,218 1,854,376 3,009,733 1,901,319 4,911,052 3,037,933 529,992 3,567,925 6,047,666 2,431,311 8,478,977

18 2009-11 State Budget All Revenue Sources - $65.8 B

19 Ten Largest General Fund Programs in 2009-11 Program2009-11%Cumulative % Elementary and Secondary School Aids$10,296,746,20037.2% Medical Assistance$2,331,348,9008.445.6 UW System$2,236,656,8008.153.7 Correctional Operations$1,988,035,8007.260.9 Shared Revenues$1,857,718,9006.767.6 School Levy/First Dollar Tax Credits$1,697,625,2006.273.7 Appropriation Obligation Bonds$728,715,0002.676.3 Community & Juvenile Correctional Services$503,577,7001.878.1 Judicial and Legal Services$486,265,5001.879.9 State Residential Institutions$378,485,7001.481.3 Subtotal$22,505,175,70081.4% All Other Programs$5,166,475,50018.6%100% Total$27,671,651,200100.0%

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