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Oelze - ECE 571 Lecture 4 Biological Measurement 1 BIOE 571.

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Presentation on theme: "Oelze - ECE 571 Lecture 4 Biological Measurement 1 BIOE 571."— Presentation transcript:

1 Oelze - ECE 571 Lecture 4 Biological Measurement 1 BIOE 571

2 Oelze - ECE 571 Lecture 4 I. Topics Covered Today Detecting the envelope of a signalDetecting the envelope of a signal B-mode image construction: a recipeB-mode image construction: a recipe Characterizing B-mode image qualityCharacterizing B-mode image quality Methods for improving B-mode imagingMethods for improving B-mode imaging

3 Oelze - ECE 571 Lecture 4 Doppler Circle f S  Assume a sound source emitting sound with frequency f S is moving with respect to the observer

4 Oelze - ECE 571 Lecture 4 Doppler Circle f S  Assume a sound source emitting sound with frequency f S is moving with respect to the observer x Δf = f s c s /c 0 Δf = -f s c s /c 0 Δf = 0 Δf = f s c s cosθ/c 0

5 Oelze - ECE 571 Lecture 4 Ultrasound Doppler Doppler shift in ultrasound is in audible ranges

6 Oelze - ECE 571 Lecture 4 Ultrasound Doppler: CW  Blood velocity θ Observation on overlap of beams

7 Oelze - ECE 571 Lecture 4 Ultrasound Doppler: PW  Blood velocity θ Range Cell

8 Oelze - ECE 571 Lecture 4 Ultrasound PW Doppler Time signals from scatterer moving through range gate 2 MHz tone burst - 1.5 kHz Doppler shift f PRF = 10 kHz

9 Oelze - ECE 571 Lecture 4 Ultrasound PW Doppler Amplitude of “in phase” Doppler signal at each sample 2 MHz tone burst - 1.5 kHz Doppler shift f PRF = 10 kHz

10 Oelze - ECE 571 Lecture 4 Ultrasound PW Doppler Doppler signal sampled at T PRF 2 MHz tone burst - 1.5 kHz Doppler shift f PRF = 10 kHz

11 Oelze - ECE 571 Lecture 4 Ultrasound PW Doppler Frequency of Doppler spectrum 2 MHz tone burst - 1.5 kHz Doppler shift f PRF = 10 kHz

12 Oelze - ECE 571 Lecture 4 Ultrasound PW Doppler Doppler signal - Undersampled 2 MHz tone burst - 6 kHz Doppler shift f PRF = 10 kHz

13 Oelze - ECE 571 Lecture 4 Ultrasound PW Doppler Doppler spectrum 2 MHz tone burst - 6 kHz Doppler shift f PRF = 10 kHz

14 Oelze - ECE 571 Lecture 4 Ultrasound PW Doppler 1.5 kHz Doppler shift -1.5 kHz Doppler shift D I (t) D Q (t)

15 Oelze - ECE 571 Lecture 4 Doppler Velocity and CFI (Duplex)

16 Oelze - ECE 571 Lecture 4 Doppler Velocity and CFI (Duplex)

17 Oelze - ECE 571 Lecture 4 CFI

18 CFI Mitral valve regurgitation (jet)

19 Oelze - ECE 571 Lecture 4 Power Doppler Power Doppler – thyroid nodule

20 Oelze - ECE 571 Lecture 4 Power Doppler Power Doppler – 3D rendering

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