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Philosopher’s Fruit Salad

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Presentation on theme: "Philosopher’s Fruit Salad"— Presentation transcript:

1 Philosopher’s Fruit Salad
If your answer is yes, swap places with someone else in the circle.

2 P4C Lesson – The Rights of the Child
Learning Objective: To practice and develop the skill of being an effective participator.

3 What makes a good question?
You need to think of a BIG question based on the clip you have just seen. A good philosophical question is one we can debate and discuss. They might start with: Is there...? Why...? Will we ever...?

4 Remember you can only speak when you are holding me!
The Big Picture Today we are learning to listen to each other and build on each other’s ideas. Remember you can only speak when you are holding me!

5 Speaking like SOCRATES!
‘I agree with….. because’ ‘My idea links to……. because’ ‘I can give an example to support…….’ I can think of another situation where ………’s idea also works ‘I disagree with….. because’ ‘I can give an counter- example to support…….’ ‘I can think of another situation where ……’s idea doesn’t work ‘ I think we need to DEFINE the word….’ ‘I’d like an example here’ ‘I’d like to ask a NEW QUESTION here’

6 Have you changed your mind during this lesson?
Reflection How have you demonstrated the skills of being an effective participator? Have you changed your mind during this lesson?

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