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Developing a Mission Statement for Academic Advising Marsha Miller NACADA Assistant Director, Resources & Services PowerPoint.

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Presentation on theme: "Developing a Mission Statement for Academic Advising Marsha Miller NACADA Assistant Director, Resources & Services PowerPoint."— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing a Mission Statement for Academic Advising Marsha Miller NACADA Assistant Director, Resources & Services PowerPoint at With special thanks to:  Wes Habley in the NACADA Clearinghouse article  Susan Campbell in the 2 nd edition of Academic Advising: A Comprehensive Handbook  Rich Robbins NACADA Assessment Institute Introductions “ Making the simple complicated is commonplace; making the complicated simple, awesomely simple, that's creativity.” Charles Mingus (American jazz bassist and composer, 1922 - 1979

2 This presentation will answer the questions:  What is a mission statement?  Why do we need an advising mission statement?  What are the characteristics of an effective mission statement? Participants will:  Rate & critique actual advising mission statements  Discuss the sample mission statements  Revise one of the mission statement s  Create a mission statement 1 st draft for their advising situation Session Goal and Objectives

3 Building A Mission Statement Our mission is to…

4 Dilbert’s Mission Statement Generator ©1998 United Feature Syndicate, Inc. ("UFS") and United Media ("UM") All Rights Reserved

5 Building a Mission Statement Insert a Word See how easy it is... The mission of academic advising is to efficiently build timely methods of empowerment while continuing to interactively create progressive catalysts for change while maintaining the highest standards.

6 Developing an Academic Advising Mission Statement Our job is to draft a “simply elegant” mission statement that adequately reflects academic advising on our campuses

7 Developing an Academic Advising Mission Statement CAS Standards Mission statements must…  be developed, recorded, disseminated, implemented, and regularly reviewed  incorporate student learning and student development  be consistent with the vision, mission, and goals of the institution

8 Developing an Academic Advising Mission Statement What is a mission statement? A mission statement describes….  Who we serve  Why - Our reason for being  What we strive to achieve Wes Habley Developing a Mission Statement for the Academic Advising Program NACADA Clearinghouse of Academic Advising Resources

9 Developing an Academic Advising Mission Statement What is a mission statement? A mission statement articulates…  Our values  Our purpose  Our direction now and in the future Susan Campbell Vision, Mission, Goals, and Program Objectives for Academic Advising Programs Academic Advising: A Comprehensive Handbook, 2 nd edition

10 Developing an Academic Advising Mission Statement What is a mission statement? A mission statement reflects:  Opportunities  Competence  Commitment Drucker, P. F. (2003). What is our mission? In Business leadership: A Jossey–Bass reader. San Francisco: Jossey - Bass.

11 Developing an Academic Advising Mission Statement Why do we need a mission statement? Alice came to a fork in the road. “Which road do I take?” she asked. “Where do you want to go?” responded the Cheshire cat. “I don’t know,” Alice answered. “Then,” said the cat, “ it doesn’t matter.” Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

12 Developing an Academic Advising Mission Statement “Unless the mission is explicitly expressed, clearly understood, and supported by every member of the organization, the enterprise is at the mercy of events” (p. 371). Peter Drucker Drucker, P. F. (2003). What is our mission? In Business leadership: A Jossey–Bass reader. San Francisco: Jossey - Bass. Why do we need a mission statement?

13 Developing an Academic Advising Mission Statement Why do we need a mission statement? A mission statement guides the decisions we make about what we do and how we accomplish it. It is a vital portion of any institutional effort to restructure or revitalize academic advising.

14 Developing an Academic Advising Mission Statement Designing a Mission Statement 1.Identify Key Stakeholders 2.Brainstorm Current State of Academic Advising 3.Identify the Ideal for Advising on Your Campus 4.Synthesize the Ideal with Existing Standards 5.Draft Tentative Vision and Mission Statements 6.Identify Goal Statements 7.Identify Objectives Susan Campbell Vision, Mission, Goals, and Program Objectives for Academic Advising Programs Academic Advising: A Comprehensive Handbook, 2nd edition

15 Developing an Academic Advising Mission Statement MISSION STATEMENT  Consistent with institutional mission & vision  Includes a wide variety of constituencies  Serves as a guide to the decisions we make  Lays the foundation for assessment  Oregon State University academic advising is a teaching and learning process dedicated to student success. Academic advising engages students in developing a plan to realize their educational, career and life goals.  The mission of Engineering Advising is to provide services to assist Engineering students in achieving their academic goals and personal successes at Cornell University.

16 MISSION STATEMENT Vision Statement Developing an Academic Advising Mission Statement Vision statements represent the core priorities in the institution’s culture. Advising vision statements connect to institution’s vision statement. Advising vision statements drive the intent and planning for advising and advisors’ priorities.

17 MISSION STATEMENT Vision Statement Developing an Academic Advising Mission Statement Oregon State University aspires to be recognized nationally for excellence in academic advising among land grant institutions. Indiana State University will be known as an institution where every student is matched with an academic advisor dedicated to aligning student talents and ambitions with sound curricular and co-curricular choices. Academic Advising at the University of Louisville aspires to be a dynamic, nationally- recognized system that sets standards of excellence focused on student learning, technological innovation, and a collaborative commitment to student success in a diverse and changing society. The vision of the NACADA Executive Office is to be the most innovative, responsive, and supportive Executive Office in the global education community.

18 MISSION STATEMENT GOALS/OUTCOMES Developing an Academic Advising Mission Statement 1. to provide accurate and current information 2. to work in partnership to promote student success 3. to work with students in an environment emphasizing the developmental process 4. to constantly improve our services to students 5. to promote the shared responsibility of academic advising between student & advisor 6. to evaluate and assess our programs and services Based upon Cornell University College of Engineering Goals and Objectives T he mission of Engineering Advising is to provide services to assist Engineering students in achieving their academic goals and personal successes at Cornell University. Vision Statement Also in the Clearinghouse: Louisville, Oregon State, and U of MN

19 MISSION STATEMENT GOALS/OUTCOMES Advising Program Strategies and Criteria Developing an Academic Advising Mission Statement Assist students in their consideration and clarification of educational goals Assist students in developing an educational plan consistent with their goals Provide accurate information about institutional policies, procedures, and resources Assist students in evaluation or re-evaluation of progress toward established goals Make referrals to resources within and outside of the college as appropriate Empower and encourage students to be self-directed learners Based upon Eastern Michigan University Vision Statement

20 MISSION STATEMENT GOALS/OUTCOMES Advising Program Strategies and Criteria OrganizationDelivery Roles/ Responsibilities Training and Tools Program and Advisor Assessment Developing an Academic Advising Mission Statement Vision Statement

21 Developing an Academic Advising Mission Statement Characteristics of a quality mission statement Visionary  Ties to the vision of what we aspire to be/deliver  Says what we want to be remembered for  Helps our people understand how they can contribute

22 Developing an Academic Advising Mission Statement Characteristics of a quality mission statement Broad  Does not claim to be all things to all people not  Does not narrowly define what we do  Provides the umbrella for our services

23 Developing an Academic Advising Mission Statement Characteristics of a quality mission statement Realistic  Practical  Workable  Easily turned into program goals

24 Developing an Academic Advising Mission Statement Characteristics of a quality mission statement Motivational  Inspires commitment among employees  Something to strive for  Presents an ideal

25 Developing an Academic Advising Mission Statement Characteristics of a quality mission statement Short and Concise  Elevator pitch  25 words or less  Tee shirt  No more than three sentences

26 Developing an Academic Advising Mission Statement Characteristics of a quality mission statement Easily understood  Plain language  Without jargon  Simple sentences

27 Developing an Academic Advising Mission Statement Sample Advising Mission Statement The Mission of University College Academic Advising is to assist new, transfer, and transitioning students to develop and implement individual plans for achieving educational and life goals. University of Utah

28 Developing an Academic Advising Mission Statement The primary purpose of academic advising is to assist students in the development of meaningful curricular and co-curricular plans and to align those plans with attainable life goals. Indiana State University Sample Advising Mission Statement

29 Developing an Academic Advising Mission Statement Academic Advising at the University of Louisville is an on- going, intentional, educational partnership dedicated to student academic success. The University is committed to an academic advising system that guides students to: –discover and pursue life goals, –support diverse and equitable educational experiences, –advance students' intellectual and cultural development, and –teaches students to become engaged, self-directed learners and competent decision makers. University of Louisville Sample Advising Mission Statement

30 Academic advising is an active, ongoing partnership between the advisors and students grounded in teaching and learning. Advising is based on students gaining accurate and appropriate information and direction to help make their educational experience relevant, coherent, and meaningful. It is a process that assists students in connecting with the University of Arkansas, making thoughtful decisions related to their academic experiences, and maximizing their educational and career opportunities. Quality academic advising is essential to achieving the University’s vision. University of Arkansas Developing an Academic Advising Mission Statement

31 Mission Statement Rating - Circle all that apply What is an especially good characteristic about this mission statement: Visionary Has Breadth Is Realistic Is Motivational Short/Concise Easy to Understand

32 Let’s try one together: The primary purpose of the academic advising program is to assist students in the development of meaningful educational plans that are compatible with their life goals. Academic advising should be viewed as a continuous process of clarification and evaluation. The academic advisor assists in decision making about life goals and educational plans by helping to identify and assess alternatives and the consequences of decisions. North Dakota State University Developing an Academic Advising Mission Statement

33 Small group exercise  Individually rate the advising mission statement assigned to your group using the rating form  Discuss your ratings with others in your group  Share your feedback with the group

34 Developing an Academic Advising Mission Statement Share your thoughts  What did you like from the mission statements? Why?  What goals/outcomes could be drawn from this statement?

35 Pick one mission statement and rewrite to fit your situation.  What vision statement might you suggested?  What goals/outcomes could be drawn from the mission statement?  Share your mission statement and suggested goals/objectives with the session participants

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