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Your Choice, Your Voice Richard Downing Community Engagement Manager Leicestershire County Council.

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Presentation on theme: "Your Choice, Your Voice Richard Downing Community Engagement Manager Leicestershire County Council."— Presentation transcript:

1 Your Choice, Your Voice Richard Downing Community Engagement Manager Leicestershire County Council

2 Your Choice, Your Voice Leicestershire Together made £20,000 available to each of Charnwood’s 7 Area Forums for allocation through a Participatory Process Money has to be spent by March 2011 Participatory Process agreed through Charnwood Together

3 Your Choice, Your Voice - Process 1)Charnwood Together set priorities Opportunities and facilities for children and young people Improving access to services Creating cleaner, greener, safer living environments Workshop – Generating & sharing ideas & putting them in order of priority 11 project ideas put forward 9 projects put to final vote 1)Priority ideas developed further into robust projects – co-ordinated by Task Group 2)Feedback from Task Group to Area Forum on how funding can be allocated in line with the workshop priorities 3)Charnwood Together agrees allocation of funding, in line with the recommendation by the Area Forum



6 Your Choice, Your Voice Task Group – Role: Work with project groups to ensure that priority projects are -APPROPRIATE - in line with the 3 priorities for the area - not duplicating, value for money -FEASIBLE -Can project be delivered by March 2011 -SUSTAINABLE -Does project provide real solution with longer term benefit -Will project lead to problems further down the line

7 Your Choice, Your Voice After the workshops … Priority Projects Other Project Ideas Project Development TASK GROUP co-ordinates Forum Recommends allocation LSP Decides allocation Signposting Ideas are circulated to various funders, advisors and relevant officers to identify further opportunities for funding & support

8 PB Summary Already allocated; £12,597 Remainder to be allocated; £7,403 Total; £20,000

9 RankRank Project title Amount requestedProposed share of budget Outcome 1Barrow graffiti wall This project was about creating a graffiti wall at the King George V playing fields in Barrow. However, since the Forum workshop the project has been successful in getting the work done through the Community Cashback scheme. NilThe Forum allocated the funding to other projects in the Forum area. 2Sileby Minibus for young people This project was to purchase a second-hand vehicle to provide transport for young people to opportunities, including elsewhere in Charnwood, and towns outside Charnwood. Since the Forum workshop the project initiatiator has moved on from his involvement with the voluntary youth club in Sileby. The Task group also had reservations about the cost and sustainability of buying and owning a vehicle. They believe that there are alternatives to ownership which could be explored. The Task group are aware that there remain unmet needs for young people in Sileby. Rather than purchase a vehicle, the Task group recommends that part of the Forum budget be allocated for training of volunteer drivers and subsidising trips by local young people’s groups in Sileby. £2,500The Forum allocated £2,500 to VAC and this be ring-fenced specifically for the above- mentioned purpose.

10 RankRank Project title Amount requestedProposed Share of budget Outcome 2Baldwin Trust Landing Stage This project allowed the Baldwin Trust to provide a new landing stage to enable them to load wheelchair and other passengers onto their narrow boat, the Dandelion, at Pillings Marina. They need to be able to drop the ramp from their hydraulic lift onto a raised platform. After negotiation, the overall costs of the scheme were reduced to approx £5,000. They are now working on existing “D” berths with an existing walkway to set of finger moorings. The total estimated cost is between £2,500 and £3,000 and The Trust sought between £1,250 and £1,500 as a contribution towards the full costs. £1500The Forum allocated £1,500 as a contribution towards costs. This was sent for payment on 18 th May.



13 RankRank Project titleAmount requestedProposed Share of budget Outcome 2 Sileby Noticeboards (also Barrow and Wymeswold) This project was to provide noticeboards to give residents in Sileby better access to information. Following some feeling in the Task group that this is a Parish Council function the project initiator had contacted Sileby Parish Council which has now agreed to provide two noticeboards in the centre of Sileby. However, the project would like to provide a third one to locate in the centre of Sileby. The original idea had included Barrow and Wymeswold. £3,000The Forum allocated £1,000 for the Sileby Parish Plan Group, partly for this project, and for some of the “Sileby Facelift” project. The Forum also recommended the same amount, £1,000, each, be given to Barrow and Wymeswold to increase the impact created by environmental improvements and availability of community information in the Forum area.

14 RankRank Project title Amount requestedProposed Share of budget Outcome 9Sileby Facelift This project has been proposed by Sileby Parish Plan group and will improve the local environment through the provision of five flower boxes at the entrances to the village, at a cost of £200 each including manufacture / fitting. Plants will be supplied by Derry’s Nursery in Cossington. TOTAL £1,000 Two new vandal – proof map holders, one in the centre of the village, one on the pavillion at Memorial Park, would cost £500 each. TOTAL £1000 Three new updated maps of Sileby, (the third located in the current existing mapholder in the carpark), incl with a new map of Sileby, to locate in the centre of Sileby TOTAL £500 The Parish Council and the Parish Plan group are now working much more closely together £1500The Forum has already allocated £1,000 for the Sileby Parish Plan Group to complete the Sileby Noticeboards project as well as to pay for some of these improvements(third noticeboard/map plus planters).

15 RankRank Project titleAmount requestedProposed share of budgetRecommendation 1Barrow Church Community Centre This project is to provide a suitably equipped kitchen as part of the development of a community centre attached to the church. The project has been seeking funding from other sources, including Charnwood Borough Council, who have awarded a grant of £20,000. The Forum allocated £2,000 to this project, for a new kitchen. However the actual cost of this is £2,318. Installation / fitting costs will be borne by their other fundraising The quote for the new kitchen did not include the cooker or fridge. The group have obtained quotes as follows; Belling Classic 1100E Black 110cm Electric Range Cooker would cost a further £899.53 Zanussi ZRG616CW Larder Fridge would cost a further £145.19. Recommendation To award a further £1,362.72 to Barrow Church Community Centre so that this part of the project can proceed. 2

16 RankRank Project titleAmount requested Proposed share of budget Recommendation 1 2Safe cycle parking in villages To provide cycle stands in villages outside public halls, recreation halls, grounds etc to encourage cycle use. Various meetings have now taken place to explore the practical issues involved. The Forum allocated £1,000 to this project across four villages; Burton on the Wolds, Walton on the Wolds, Seagrave and Wymeswold This project could be rolled out further to incorporate the village of Hoton to develop and promote a circular cycle route in this Forum area. This would require a further £1500 of Area Forum funding, making a total of £2,500. To buy and install five “Sheffield” cycle racks, would cost between £1200 and £1500 depending on the terrain etc. To design and produce 1,000 “cycle leaflets” would cost approx. £1,000. Recommendation To allocate a further £1,500 Community Centre so that this project can be developed.

17 Project titleAmount requestedProposed Share of budgetOutcome Seagrave Cemetery garden of remembrance Provision of a new garden and seating at Seagrave Cemetery. This would be over and above what the PC would normally be expected to provide. £500 to £1,000 was originally asked for. After some negotiations it was felt that, prior to the last Forum meeting, £750 would be an acceptable contribution to the project. The Forum allocated £750 as a contribution towards costs. Subsequently I was advised that the Parish Council really needed the £1,000 originally stated. In the run- up to tonight’s meeting, those costs have now increased by a further £400 due to extra costs of cutting back and restoring existing hedging. We have confirmed that Seagrave Parish Council will fund the balance…the total cost of the project is expected to now total approx. £1800. Recommendation To increase that £750 to the total of £1,000 originally asked for. To award a further £400 to Seagrave parish Council so that this project can proceed, making a total tonight of £650. This means the project will receive a total of £1400.

18 Project title Amount requested Proposed Share of budgetRecommendation Barrow Business Forum £700 Rutland Telecoms will conduct an initial survey. The cost for the survey is £500 plus VAT. The Forum would also need £200 for pre survey work to identify,contact and arrange meetings with firms/individuals who have broadband problems in the Business Forum Area. The feasibility study will be produced in a formal document and will include 1. A detailed analysis of the specific situation 2. Outline capital costs of deployment of a next generation broadband service to the community 3. Estimated speeds 4. Estimate of the number of customers required to make a deployment economically viable/sustainable. 5. Some suggestions regarding the anticipated rate of return for any private investors interested in being involved in covering the capital costs A visit by Rutland Telecom would follow to take the project further if the capital costs and number of customers required look realistic, and Rutland Telecom would not charge an additional fee for this. To award £700 to Barrow Business Forum so that this initial survey can proceed.

19 Quorn Old School Met Terry Stirling 09/07/10 in response to Forum wishes. Agreed on the need to fund the bat survey that is a requirement before work on the roof can commence as the first stage of the project. The bat survey was expected to cost between £500 to £1,000, detailed costings to follow. Outcome Terry has now found out that the Bat Survey would not normally take place until May, so unfortunately the Area Forum budget cannot fund this. Recommendation; Unable to fund.

20 Project titleAmount requestedProposed Share of budget Outcome Wymeswold Trim Trail The project initiator has informed that the group has put in a grant bid to the Lottery for £10,000 for outdoor gym equipment and expect to hear the outcome in April 2010. The field is leased from the Parish Council for 15 years and, following consultation, they are planning a community orchard, play equipment for older children and a path around the outside. £1,847 The Forum allocated £1,847 as a contribution towards costs, to be spent on a specific item of equipment. Recommendation To award a further £1,690.28 to Wymeswold Trim Trail Centre so that they can put this towards and order their third piece of equipment.

21 PB Summary Already allocated; £12,597 Remainder to be allocated; £7,403 as follows; Sileby Facelift; £1,500 Barrow Church Community Centre;£1,362.72 Seagrave Cemetery garden of remembrance;£ 650 Safe cycle parking in villages; £1,500 Barrow Business Forum£ 700 Wymeswold trim Trail£ 1 690.28 Total; £20,000

22 Baldwin Trust – Relocation to Pillings Lock, Quorn (£1,500) This project was to provide a landing stage to enable the lading of wheelchair users on to their narrow boat. An offer letter had been sent to the Trust on 7 May. Sileby Minibus for Young People (£2,500) Work was afoot to train voluntary minibus drivers – 3 were now trained. Some funding would also be used to subsidise trips; Sileby Parish Plan Group (£3,000) This project was to provide notice boards to give residents in Sileby better access to information and to improve the local environment through the provision of flower boxes. Wymeswold Trim Trail (Formerly £1,000) Part of a bigger project to provide outdoor gym equipment, this project aimed to use the allocation to put toward the cost of play equipment for older children. The project initiator now required an extra £847 in order to install their preferred piece of equipment. Barrow Church Community Centre (£2,000) This funding had been set aside to provide a suitably equipped kitchen. Safe Cycle Parking in Villages (£1,000) Project to provide cycle racks in villages outside public halls. Seagrave Cemetery Garden of Remembrance (£750) Provision of new garden and seating at the Cemetery. With the above project funding allocation totalling £12,597, it was reported that there was a balance of £7,403 which had to be spent by March 2011. The remaining projects from the original list which had previously been identified but for which funding had yet to be allocated were: Broadband Access Project in the Wolds This project aimed to improve speed and reliability of internet access in the Wolds area. This project was part of a bigger piece of work which EMDA had been aiming to carry out, however since the announcement to abolish EMDA, it looked extremely unlikely that it would proceed. There remained a general need for the improvement of broadband coverage in the area. Quorn Old School Project The aim of this project was to refurbish the redundant old school and convert it into a community centre. £10,000 of funding had been requested for this work. The Forum debated and then formally voted on whether the surplus should be spent on new projects to be decided by the Forum or whether the remaining two projects listed above should be revisited. AGREED: (a)That the extra funding of £847 for the Wymeswold Trim Trail project be approved and that the progress now being made in allocating £12,597 of the £20,000 participatory budget for the Forum area be welcomed; (b)That Mr. Downing discuss proposals for spending the remaining balance of £7,403 on the three remaining projects with the respective project initiators with a view to formalising recommendations to be put to the Forum at its next meeting in September in order that a decision could be made on how to expend the remaining balance; That Mr. Downing circulate details to members as to the reasons why the Broadband Access Project in the Wolds did not receive sufficient votes at the initial Participatory Budgeting meeting.

23 Your Choice, Your Voice Updates at the next Area Forum & on the Community Forum Website

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