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We had to… Make sure that the item is fit for purpose by looking back to the design brief Can it support a car? Can a tall boat go underneath it?

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Presentation on theme: "We had to… Make sure that the item is fit for purpose by looking back to the design brief Can it support a car? Can a tall boat go underneath it?"— Presentation transcript:



3 We had to… Make sure that the item is fit for purpose by looking back to the design brief Can it support a car? Can a tall boat go underneath it?



6 Why is the sound of "music" enjoyed by so many?

7 What can you hear?





12 When we chew our food we produce a liquid in our mouth called? (saliva) Can you explain this to your parents? Why do we have teeth in our mouth? (to chew the food to break it up into smaller pieces to help break down food so we can swallow it) The food travels down the _________________ to the stomach. (oesophagus) The stomach needs acid or alkaline conditions? (acid) The stomach is a muscle, how does this help the break down of food? (it contracts and relaxes therfore breaking the food down even more) The small intestine is around ___m long, and needs an alkaline called ____ to help break down the food. (6m long, bile) The small intesine absorbs any __________ from the undigested food (nutrients) The large intestine absorbs any _________ from the undigested food. (water) Our poo is stored in the _____________. A scientific word for poo is ______. (retum, and faeces)

13 Teeth


15 Types of teeth and their role in eating.

16 Throughout the year the children will be comparing the seasons.

17 Seasons

18 Focussing on plants and animals in our locality throughout the year

19 Meet the team…

20 Remember… Year 4 children can walk home on their own. All you need to do is let their teacher know.

21 Year 4 Homework expectations: Children will be given a piece of Maths and English homework every Friday. This should be returned by the following Wednesday. On a Monday pupils will be given spellings to learn, these will be tested on a Friday. As well as these formally pieces of homework pupils should be constantly working on their Times Tables and reading.

22 Next term your child will be learning about the following topics… Spring 1Spring 2 12345612 345* 04-Jan11-Jan18-Jan25-Jan01-Feb08-Feb22-Feb29-Feb 07-Mar14-Mar21-Mar Comp: We are web develop ers! (esafety website - laptops) His:Comp: What does worship mean? Science: How can we control the power of electricity? Why did Jesus tell stories? Why were the Romans so powerful and what did we learn from them? We are co- authors ! (Fronter - laptops) DT: Design, make a weapon DT: Electronic Games

23 Educational Visits… We have an educational visits throughout the year. Make sure your child is wearing suitable shoes and a coat. Bring plenty to drink in your packed lunch and a back pack. Our Next Visit is to St Albans Tuesday 19 th January 2016. We will leave school on that day at 8.30! Your child will need To be in school by 8.15

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