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Chapter 2: Excel Basics and Formatting Spreadsheet-Based Decision Support Systems Prof. Name Position (123) 456-7890 University Name.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 2: Excel Basics and Formatting Spreadsheet-Based Decision Support Systems Prof. Name Position (123) 456-7890 University Name."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 2: Excel Basics and Formatting Spreadsheet-Based Decision Support Systems Prof. Name Position (123) 456-7890 University Name

2 2 Overview  2.1 Introduction  2.2 Defining the Set of Excel Objects  2.3 Entering Data into Cells  2.4 Understanding Excel Menus and Toolbars  2.5 Formatting  2.6 Summary

3 3 Introduction  The Excel object hierarchy  Basic data entry and data copying and pasting in cells  Excel menus and toolbars  Customizing and creating new menus and toolbars  Formatting cells  Conditional formatting

4 4 Defining the Set of Excel Objects  Objects: The elements manipulated in spreadsheet applications and VBA programming.  Object Hierarchy: An ordered listing of all objects.  Object Model: The entire system of objects.

5 5 Entering Data into Cells  Simple values: Numbers and text that are entered into cells.  Click-and-drag: Used to copy a highlighted cell or range of cells to an adjacent cell or range of cells. Copying a range of cells. Excel automatically numbers sequentially when copying from a pattern it recognizes.

6 6 Understanding Excel Menus and Toolbars  Menus and Shortcut Keys  Toolbars  Customizing Toolbars and Menus

7 7 Menus and Shortcut Keys  The Menu contains the standard Windows options of File, Edit, View, Insert, Format, Tools, Window, and Help, as well as a Data option.  Some options are specific to Excel; for example, in addition to Delete, we find Delete Sheet and Move or Copy Sheet.  Another example of a menu option specific to Excel is the Paste Special option. –Values –Formulas –Formats –Transpose

8 8 Toolbars  Two main toolbars are Standard and Formatting.  A dialog box is a separate window that provides several modifiable options on different tabs, or categories, within the box.  To drag-and-drop, click, hold down on the mouse, and drag.

9 9 Customizing Toolbars and Menus  Excel allows us to customize any toolbar. –Tools > View > Toolbars > Customize –Tools > Customize  Select the toolbar you wish to customize or select New to create a new toolbar or menu.  Choose from available commands to add to your toolbar. (We will also learn how to add customized commands when we study VBA macros.)

10 10 Formatting  Formatting Cells  General Formatting  Conditional Formatting

11 11 Formatting Cells  To format a cell, we either click on a cell and choose Format > Cells from the menu, or we right-click on the cell and choose Format Cells from the drop-down list.  Formatting options include –Number –Alignment –Font –Border –Patterns –Protection

12 12 General Formatting  Auto Fit can alter the dimensions of rows and columns, making them as wide as necessary to show all values entered.  Auto Format option offers several preset table designs that we can apply to a spreadsheet.  Style is used to apply general formatting to the entire worksheet.

13 13 Conditional Formatting  Conditional Formatting only formats cells that meet a predetermined condition or a set of conditions.

14 14 Summary  Excel objects are elements that you can manipulate in spreadsheet applications and VBA programming.  Menus and toolbars create Excel’s user interface; they provide options for working in the spreadsheet environment.  The two main toolbars on which you can find the most common operations are the Standard and Formatting toolbars.  Customizing a toolbar allows you to edit the toolbars by modifying commands and display options.  The format of a cell includes the following modifiable characteristics: Numbers, Alignment, Font, Border, Pattern, and Protection.  Conditional Formatting formats cells only if they meet a specified condition.

15 15 Additional Links  (place links here)

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