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CIS 210 Systems Analysis and Development Week 7 Part II Designing Interfaces and Dialogues,

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Presentation on theme: "CIS 210 Systems Analysis and Development Week 7 Part II Designing Interfaces and Dialogues,"— Presentation transcript:

1 CIS 210 Systems Analysis and Development Week 7 Part II Designing Interfaces and Dialogues,

2 Objectives Upon completion of part II you will be able to: –Understand and be able to explain the concepts related to designing interfaces and dialogues for the deliverables for their creation –Understand and be able to explain the concepts related to contrasting and applying interaction methods within a system –Understand and be able to explain the concepts related to input devices, layout designs, structured data entry fields, feedback and system help. –Understand and be able to explain the concepts related to designing graphical user interfaces

3 Overview System Interface Design –How information is provided –How information is captured Dialogue Design –Sequencing of interface displays The Process of Designing Interfaces and Dialogues –User-focused –Iterative process Deliverables –Narrative overview –Sample design –Testing and usability assessment –Dialogue sequence

4 Interaction Methods and Devices Command Language Interaction –User enters explicit statements –Command syntax and semantics –Good for experienced users Menu Interaction –Menu hierarchies –Pop-up menu –Drop-down menu

5 Interaction Methods and Devices Form Interaction –Fill in the blanks –Effective for input and presentation –Effectively designed forms Object-Based Interaction –Icons –Graphic symbols Natural Language Interaction –Artificial Intelligence

6 Interaction Methods and Devices Hardware Options –Keyboard –Mouse –Joystick –Trackball –Touch screen –Light pen –Graphics tablet –Voice activated commands

7 Designing Interfaces Designing Layouts –Basing design on paper forms –Between-field navigation –Flexibility and consistency Structuring Data Entry –Rules to consider Controlling Data Input –Data entry errors Providing Feedback –Status information –Prompting Cues –Error or warning messages Providing Help –Commercial help products

8 Designing Dialogues Dialogue Design Process –Designing the sequence Dialog diagramming –Building a prototype –Assessing usability General Rules –Consistency –Shortcuts –Feedback –Closure –Error handling –Reversal –Control –Ease

9 GUI Environments GUI Design Issues –Common Rules Become an expert of the GUI environment Understand resources –Working with standards –Dialogue design issues Establishing a sequence of displays Dialogue diagramming

10 Summary Interaction methods and devices Designing interfaces Designing dialogues GUI environments

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