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NameScoreDate Score _____/ 10 1.Chooses a reading spot 2. Understands classroom library contents, routines, and procedures for book shopping 3. Stays focused.

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Presentation on theme: "NameScoreDate Score _____/ 10 1.Chooses a reading spot 2. Understands classroom library contents, routines, and procedures for book shopping 3. Stays focused."— Presentation transcript:

1 NameScoreDate Score _____/ 10 1.Chooses a reading spot 2. Understands classroom library contents, routines, and procedures for book shopping 3. Stays focused by stopping and thinking as they read. 4. Stays long with a book 5. Uses many strategies to figure out words. 6. Thinks about what makes sense (self-corrects) 7. Goes back and reads on to understand the tricky parts (re-read aloud) 8. Read at an appropriate rate 9. Learn the procedures of talking with a partner 10. Read in a smooth voice. Grade 2 Assessment Checklist for Reading Units of Study…Unit 1 Readers Have Good Habits Score: 0 = little or no evidence of skill 1 = skill is practice most of the time

2 NameScoreDate Score _____/ 10 1. Readers use a variety of print strategies flexibly. 2. Reads to make sure what they are reading makes sense 3. Reads through the whole word beginning, middle, and end 4. Reads back to help themselves figure out the meaning of unfamiliar words or phrases 5. Rereads aloud tricky words and phrases 6. Checks to make sure they are “getting the story” by retelling it at different points as they read 7. Read with smooth, talking voice 8. Work well in a partnership 9. Makes pictures in their minds as they read 10. Uses Readers Toolkit Grade 2 Assessment Checklist for Reading Units of Study…Unit 2 Readers Use Strategies to Figure Out Words Score: 0 = little or no evidence of skill 1 = skill is practice most of the time

3 Name ScoreDate Score _____/ 10 1. Pays attention to what the character says and does 2. Compare and contrast their own personality traits to the character’s personality traits 3. Uses what they know about life and the story clues to make predictions about the characters 4. Pays attention to the way characters solve problems 5. Thinks about how and why characters change 6. Get ideas about their characters by getting to know their characters 7. Supports their ideas with evidence from the text 8. Creates mental images about what is going on in a story 9. Talks about books with a partner 10. Uses Readers Toolkit Grade 2 Assessment Checklist for Reading Units of Study…Unit 3 Readers Think About the Characters in Their Books Score: 0 = little or no evidence of skill 1 = skill is practice most of the time

4 NameScoreDate 1. Identify characters in the stories they read 2. Identify setting, time and place in the stories they read 3. Notice how time changes in books (past, present, move forward clearly) 4. Uses time words when they retell – first, next, then, after that, last… 5. Include setting when they retell 1. Thinks about what makes sense (self-corrects) 1. Goes back and reads on to understand the tricky parts (re-read aloud) 1.Read at an appropriate rate 1.Learn the procedures of talking with a partner 1. Read in a smooth voice. Grade 2 Assessment Checklist for Reading Units of Study…Unit 4 Readers Build Comprehension by Reading Fluency and Pay Attention to Story Elements Score: 0 = little or no evidence of skill 1 = skill is practice most of the time

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