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Europe & Japan in Ruins A.Peace Conferences B.Europe in Ruins C.Japan in Ruins D.Costs of the War.

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Presentation on theme: "Europe & Japan in Ruins A.Peace Conferences B.Europe in Ruins C.Japan in Ruins D.Costs of the War."— Presentation transcript:

1 Europe & Japan in Ruins A.Peace Conferences B.Europe in Ruins C.Japan in Ruins D.Costs of the War

2 A. Peace Conferences Meetings that occurred during the war to plan war strategies and for the peace that would follow Yalta – Feb 1945 Stalin, Roosevelt, & Churchill met to discuss how to restructure Europe after the war

3 Potsdam – July 1945 Stalin, Truman, & Attlee met to discuss the occupation of Germany and the surrender of Japan

4 B.Europe in Ruins Many cities laid in ruins because of the bombing



7 Large numbers of displaced people wandered the continent People had no homes b/c of the concentration camps, POWs, or were in the wrong countries when the borders changed Nuremburg Trials – Nazi war criminals put on trial because of the Holocaust


9 C.Japan in Ruins United States will occupy Japan until 1952 to oversee the rebuilding of the country War criminals put on trial – 7 (including Hideki Tojo) were sentenced to death Major change in Japan was the development of a constitutional monarchy Japan no longer allowed to keep a military


11 D.Costs of the War Over 60 million people died in World War II 2/3 were civilians Soviet Union suffered more than other nations

12 CountryDirect Costs of the War Military Killed/MIA Civilians Killed United States$288 Billion292,131XX Great Britain$117 Billion271,31160,595 France$111.3 Billion205,707173,260 USSR$93 Billion13,600,0007,720,000 Germany$212.3 Billion3,300,0002,893,000 Japan$41.3 Billion1,140,429953,000

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