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MSEC Montreal, July 26 Ran Canetti and Lakshminath Dondeti

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Presentation on theme: "MSEC Montreal, July 26 Ran Canetti and Lakshminath Dondeti"— Presentation transcript:

1 MSEC Status@IETF-66 Montreal, July 26 Ran Canetti and Lakshminath Dondeti

2 IETF-66, Montreal, July 2006MSEC WG meeting2 MSEC Status Update  Several RFCs published RFC 4534, Group Security Policy Token v1 RFC 4535, GSAKMP: Group Secure Association Key Management Protocol RFC 4563, The Key ID Information Type for the General Extension Payload in Multimedia Internet KEYing (MIKEY)  Still in the queue  In IESG review MIKEY-RSA-R (working on a DISCUSS from Cullen)

3 IETF-66, Montreal, July 2006MSEC WG meeting3 Lot of work in progress  WG items draft-ietf-msec-gdoi-update draft-ietf-msec-ipsec-extensions draft-ietf-msec-mikey-applicability draft-ietf-msec-tesla-for-alc-norm draft-ietf-msec-mikey-ecc (not progressing on schedule) draft-ietf-msec-gkdp (not progressing on schedule)  New Individual submissions: draft-dondeti-msec-ipsec-tesla (requesting WG status) draft-dondeti-msec-mikey-genext-oma (NOT requesting WG status) draft-dondeti-msec-rtpsec-mikeyv2 (?) draft-gross-msec-ipsec-composite-group (requesting WG status?)

4 IETF-66, Montreal, July 2006MSEC WG meeting4 Milestones … need to be updated  Jan 2006 WG Last Call on MIKEY-RSA-R  Feb 2006 WG Last Call on MIKEY-ECC  May 2006 WG Last Call on Multicast Extensions to IPsec  Jul 2006 WG Last Call on GKDP  Aug 2006 WG Last Call on TESLA-Spec  Sep 2006 WG re-charter for other work items or disband

5 IETF-66, Montreal, July 2006MSEC WG meeting5 Milestones … proposed updates  Jan 2006 WG Last Call on MIKEY-RSA-R … closed  Feb 2006 WG Last Call on MIKEY-ECC … delayed Sep 2006  May 2006 WG Last Call on Multicast Extensions to IPsec Aug 2006?  Jul 2006 WG Last Call on GKDP … delayed Oct 2006?  Aug 2006 WG Last Call on TESLA-Spec … just published 00 Oct 2006  Sep 2006 WG re-charter for other work items or disband Move to Dec 2006? (Goal is to finish work items and disband WG)

6 IETF-66, Montreal, July 2006MSEC WG meeting6 What else is pending?  We haven’t finished the Hash Function agility analyses Need it for MIKEY and GSAKMP Topic of discussion later in this meeting

7 Report on current drafts

8 TESLA for ALC and NORM IETF 66 th - Montreal meeting Vincent Roca, Aurélien Francillon, Sébastien Faurite (INRIA)

9 IETF-66, Montreal, July 2006MSEC WG meeting9 Differences w.r.t. previous version  This version aims to be self-sufficient this I-D is a full specification of the TESLA BB contradicts what we explained at IETF65... e.g. added section 3 (upper delay bound calculation)  Corrects several errors some of them pointed by Ran (thanks!) too long to be presented here...  Proposes new formats “bootstrap info msg”, “direct time synchro response”  But some open points remain... (see the I-D)

10 IETF-66, Montreal, July 2006MSEC WG meeting10 On the IPsec TESLA specification  Quick and dirty merger of the old TESLA-spec and MESP drafts draft-ietf-msec-tesla-spec-00 and draft-ietf-msec-mesp-01.txt  Complements RFC 4082 ( )  Similar to 4383  Status: Ran has some comments which will be incorporated in the next revision Will do a thorough review and revision (editorial for the most part) 01 will be circulated for review soon after the Montreal meeting  Planning last call in Sep/Oct 2006  Requesting to make this a WG item Any objections?

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