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Fractals. Dimensions Traditional Informal Definition: The dimension of a set is the number of perpendicular direction pairs you can move and stay within.

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Presentation on theme: "Fractals. Dimensions Traditional Informal Definition: The dimension of a set is the number of perpendicular direction pairs you can move and stay within."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fractals

2 Dimensions Traditional Informal Definition: The dimension of a set is the number of perpendicular direction pairs you can move and stay within the set.

3 Modified Cantor Set 1 st Generation

4 Modified Cantor Set 2 nd Generation

5 Modified Cantor Set 3 rd Generation

6 Modified Cantor Set 7 th Generation 2-D or 1-D?

7 Fractals Common (but too broad) Informal Definition: A fractal is an object that displays some degree of self-similarity. ( The problem with this definition is that according to this definition a line segment is a fractal since any part of it is also a line segment.) Formal Definition from Benoît Mandelbrot :Benoît Mandelbrot A fractal is an object whose topological dimension is strictly less than the Hausdorff dimension.topological dimensionHausdorff dimension ( The problem with this definition at the College Algebra level is that we don’t have enough information to give precise definitions of the 2 dimensions, but I will give you some ideas about these dimensions in the next slides.) What I Think Is The Best Informal Definition For This Level: A fractal is an object whose dimension is debatable.

8 Topological Dimension Though the formal definition is beyond this level, basically the topological dimension of a set is the same as the definitions we had at the beginning of the presentation. 0-D: made up of disconnected points. 1-D: made up of curves. 2-D: made up of surfaces. 3-D: made up of solids. Thus, the topological dimension of any non-empty set is always a whole number (0,1,2,3,…), and will never have any decimal part. The topological dimension of the modified Cantor set is 1 since it is ultimately made up of lines.

9 Hausdorff and other Fractal Dimensions Though again the formal definition is beyond this level, the Hausdorff and other fractal dimensions note that the method of measuring a set is dependant of its dimension. The number of points. The length of a curve. The area of a surface. The volume of a solid. Also, the formulas used depend on a exponent. For example, using some simple objects: The number of a single point = 1 = s 0 The length of a line segment = s = s 1 The area of a square = s 2 The volume of a cube = s 3 Note that the exponent is also the dimension of the object. Since the fractal dimension of a set is related to the exponent and exponents can have a decimal part, a set’s fractal dimension can be any non-negative value, i.e. in the interval [0, ∞ ).

10 Another Fractal Dimension: The Box-Counting Dimension 1-D Line: Each time the length of the sides of the boxes is divided by 2 it takes 2 times as many boxes. Divider=2 Multiplier=2=2 1 Dimension=1 2-D Square: Each time the length of the sides of the boxes is divided by 2 it takes 4 times as many boxes. Divider=2 Multiplier=4=2 2 Dimension=2

11 The Box-Counting Dimension on the Modified Cantor set Dividing the length of the sides of the box(rectangle) by 3 it takes 6 times as many boxes. Divisor=3 Multiplier=6=3 ? Thus, the modifies Cantor set has a box-counting dimension of about 1.63. So it’s between a line and a surface, and hence it’s a fractal.

12 More on Fractals Wolfram-MathworldWolfram-Mathworld Online Math Encyclopedia Zooming in on the Mandelbrot Set NOVANOVA Hunting the Hidden Dimension Some Applications of Fractals Antennas Image Compression Computer Animation

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