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Shelane Borja Northern Marianas College.  An exclusive gaming license is a license that creates an opportunity for only one business to contain a license.

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Presentation on theme: "Shelane Borja Northern Marianas College.  An exclusive gaming license is a license that creates an opportunity for only one business to contain a license."— Presentation transcript:

1 Shelane Borja Northern Marianas College

2  An exclusive gaming license is a license that creates an opportunity for only one business to contain a license to gamble.

3  This research report describes a project focused on recent proposed bills and passages of laws related to the exclusive gaming license in the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas Islands. The student researcher chose this topic in regards to her political view, although the student will maintain an objective perspective on regards to the topic of this paper. Research was done in the course of interviews with active participants, which included government officials and businessmen. A random survey was also distributed through email and facebook. Initial findings suggest that the issue of exclusivity will remain in debate for sometime because of vast described differences underlying desires for businessmen, government officials, and the perception of the public in the Commonwealth.

4  Primary Research Question  Will an exclusive gaming license be good for the CNMI government economically and socially?  Secondary Research Question  How might it benefit the Commonwealth economically?  How might the social aspects obstruct or assist the CNMI?

5  Chose topic and received confirmation from college professorJuly 10  Gathered Literature July 11-14  Drafted questions for pilot surveyJuly 16  Surveyed two people and met with instructor (revise needed)July 18  Came up with interview questions and scheduled interviewsJuly 21  Met with instructor (approved questions to distribute formal survey)July 21  Sent out formal survey via facebook and emailJuly 22  Interviewed the Senate President for CNMIJuly 22  Interviewed Tinian Representative from the HouseJuly 23  Analyzed from pilot and formal surveys July 24  Wrote final research paper draftJuly 26  Analyzed new data from 3 additional participants from the surveyJuly 29  Finalized final research paperJuly 29  Created presentation and submitted final research paperJuly 30

6  Surveys (Random)  29 responses: 10 females + 19 males  Interview (Purposefully)  2 government officials:  Senate President Ralph Torres  HR Representative for Tinian, Trenton Connor

7  1  (6) 20.69%  2  (5) 17.24%  3  (7) 24.14%  4  (9) 31.03%  5  (2) 6.90%

8  For the license=  27.59% (8 responses)  Undecided=  34.48% (10 responses)  Against the license=  37.93% (11 responses) Total of 29 responses

9  Senate President Ralph Torres  Tinian Representative for the House, Trenton Connor

10  I selected the topic on the exclusive gaming license because of the many different information it perceives.  Also wanted to gain more information on the literature review of the exclusivity of the license.

11  Pilot survey was answered by 2 people only  Took my time with collecting data  Did not follow up on interviews  Lack of time during the day due to work

12  Was able to obtain 29 results within two weeks  Was able to schedule an interview with the Senate President in a small time  Chose a topic of interest  Received a lot of literature review on up-to-date news (still a pending issue)

13  The casino generates a lucrative source of revenue in many places. The perception of the people that were surveyed leaned further towards the negative social aspects of the gaming industry. The Casino will benefit the CNMI economically, although issues regarding the infrastructure and social aspects may be of more concern to an individual person, rather than the Commonwealth as a whole. More research will be done to further investigate the literature and the transparency of Public Law 18-56, o Authorize, Establish, and. Regulate an Exclusive Gaming License within the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas Islands.

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