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Topics Use birefringence to generate and quantify elliptically polarized light. Understand, measure and characterize the optical activity of syrup.

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Presentation on theme: "Topics Use birefringence to generate and quantify elliptically polarized light. Understand, measure and characterize the optical activity of syrup."— Presentation transcript:

1 Topics Use birefringence to generate and quantify elliptically polarized light. Understand, measure and characterize the optical activity of syrup.

2 Birefringence Fast axis: n2 Slow axis : n1 The birefringent retarder in your box causes a phase delay of 140nm (approximately 0.22*llaser). Phase delay depends on the thickness of the birefringent material.

3 Retardation in a ”l/4-waveplate” for light polarized linearly at 45 with respect to main axes (=superposition of two orthogonal in-phase linearly polarized waves) Fast axis y Slow axis x F E C B A D x y x y x y A B C Has fallen behind by l/4 Polarization before the l/4-waveplate: When looking against the direction of light propagation: A, B, C, … pass you by successively. D x y x y x y E F

4 Polarization after the ”l/4-waveplate”
Fast axis y Slow axis C D x F A E B x y x y x y D x y x y x y E F A B C This light is “left-circularly” polarized (What does electric field do at one point in space when looking against propagation direction – Physics definition; careful: EE is opposite!).

5 V.D Measure transmitted intensity I as a function of Retarder orientation Q
Polarizer Retarder To photometer Laser Vary the orientation Q of retarder. Measure I(Q) and plot I versus Q . Discuss the result in terms of the retardation properties of the retarder.

6 V.D Measure intensity I as a function of polarizer orientation Q
Polarizer/Analyzer Retarder at 45 angle to laser polarization. To photometer Laser Set retarder so that either the slow or the fast axis is at a 45 angle with respect to the laser polarization. Vary the orientation Q of polarizer(used as an analyzer). Measure I(Q) and plot I versus Q on polar graph paper. Write down exactly how the retarder was oriented with respect to the laser polarization and figure out whether the light got left- or right-polarized in your setup.

7 n n Optical Activity Left circularly polarized light
Right circularly polarized light n

8 Linearly Polarized Light = Superposition of Circularly Polarized Light (left and right)
+ =

9 …and if one circular polarization is phase shifted…
+ =

10 Rotation Due to Optical Activity
b n and n d Linearly polarized light Linearly polarized light – different orientation Polarization rotated by angle b

11 Dextrorotary versus Levorotary
(“Looking” against the direction of light propagation.) Dextrorotary Levorotary b b before after after before Optical activity causes a rotation of polarization to the right. Optical activity causes a rotation of polarization to the left.

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