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Ek B Through the Looking Glass and What We Found There Reduced phase velocity: n Absorption: 

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Presentation on theme: "Ek B Through the Looking Glass and What We Found There Reduced phase velocity: n Absorption: "— Presentation transcript:

1 Ek B Through the Looking Glass and What We Found There Reduced phase velocity: n Absorption: 

2 external reflection: n = 1.5 TM TE internal reflection: n = 0.667 TM TE

3 TM TE external reflection: n = 1.5 internal reflection: n = 0.667 TM TE variable phase

4 write r in this form: Why? Because: phase shift = 2 

5 Great, but what is  ? TE:

6 Phase shift upon total internal reflection: TM TE TM TE TM-TE Tunable phase lag based only on dielectric reflections!

7 The Fresnel Rhomb: linear circular glass

8 Phase Retarder “birefringence” A dependence of the index of refraction on polarization (anisotropy in n ). Jones:

9 linear circular or elliptical Phase shift between H and V. Jones matrix: SA Phase Retarder

10 polarizer TA QWP FA SA 1/8 WP Phase Retarder


12 linear Jones Matrix: rotate by  Rotator “optical activity” Rotation of linearly polarized light as it travels through a material.

13 RCP+ LCP=linear  = Specific rotation: 10’s – 100’s degree/mm (depends on wavelength) Optical activity can be thought of as the result of circular birefringence! n L > n R

14 BirefringenceDichroism Circular Linear Manipulating Polarization:

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