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Read-Around REVIEW: retro-, an-, anti

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Presentation on theme: "Read-Around REVIEW: retro-, an-, anti"— Presentation transcript:

1 Read-Around REVIEW: retro-, an-, anti
backward, back, against, opposite

2 What are the prefixes that mean against or opposite?

3 the prefixes an- and anti-

4 What is the word that names a word with opposite meaning?

5 antonym

6 What is the word that means to go back and install something new into a product that already exists?

7 retrofit

8 What is the word that describes a person who is thinking and looking back on the past?

9 retrospective

10 What is the word that describes a substance often added to soap products to kill bacterial germs?

11 antibacterial

12 What is the word that means a cure for something that could otherwise be deadly?

13 antidote

14 What is the word that names a substance adults might take when they have a stomachache?

15 antacid

16 What is the name of the medicine that works against a cold or allergy?

17 antihistamine

18 What is the word that describes something that goes back to a prior time?

19 retroactive

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