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Linear Models Binary Logistic Regression. One-Way IVR 2 Hawaiian Bats Examine data.frame on HO Section 1.1 Questions –Is subspecies related to canine.

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Presentation on theme: "Linear Models Binary Logistic Regression. One-Way IVR 2 Hawaiian Bats Examine data.frame on HO Section 1.1 Questions –Is subspecies related to canine."— Presentation transcript:

1 Linear Models Binary Logistic Regression

2 One-Way IVR 2 Hawaiian Bats Examine data.frame on HO Section 1.1 Questions –Is subspecies related to canine tooth height? –Can canine tooth height predict subspecies? 4

3 One-Way IVR 3 Hawaiian Bats Examine Plots on HO – Section 1.1 Define p i =  Y|X i = PR(Y i =1) –Probability of success (Y=1) for each X i –What is the form of p i vs x i ? Define odds i = –Put this equation into words? –Compute & interpret some odds (p i =0.25,0.5,0.75) –What is the form of odds i vs x i ?

4 One-Way IVR 4 Logit Tranform (i.e., “log odds”) Define –Plot of logit(p i ) versus x i is generally linear.

5 One-Way IVR 5 Logistic Regression Model Transformed model then becomes … Examine HO – section 1.2 Interpret Y-intercept Slope Back-transformed slope

6 One-Way IVR 6 Slope Coefficient Additive change in log(odds) for a unit change in X. Examine HO – section 1.3

7 One-Way IVR 7 Back-Transformed Slope Multiplicative change in odds for a unit change in the explanatory variable. Examine HO – section 1.3

8 One-Way IVR 8 Default Tests for Slope Is there a significant relationship between log(odds) and the explanatory variable? –Does the additive change in log(odds) for a unit change in explanatory variable equal 0? –OR does the multiplicative change in odds for a unit change in explanatory variable equal 1? See HO – summary() results in Section 1.2

9 One-Way IVR 9 Predictions I What is predicted by plugging x i into line? What is predicted if this is back-transformed? Can we do more/better? See Section 1.4

10 Predictions II Solve the logistic regression model for x What does this allow? See HO – Section 1.5 One-Way IVR 10

11 Confidence Intervals Normal theory tends not to work. Need to bootstrap. –See HO Section 2. One-Way IVR 11

12 Another Example Households were asked if they would accept an offer to put solar panels on the roof of their house if they would receive a 50% subsidy from the state. Also recorded demographic variables for each household: income, size, monthly mortgage payment, age of head Questions: –At what income will 25% of households accept? –What is the probability of acceptance for a household with an income of $80000. –How much does odds of acceptance change for each $1000 increase in household income? One-Way IVR 12

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