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The Saddest Words In The Bible

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2 The Saddest Words In The Bible

3 The Saddest Words in the Bible
“Crucify Him, Crucify Him” John 19:6, 15-16 Envied His Popularity (Mark 15:10) Mocked, Insulted, & Spat upon Him (Lk. 18:32) Hated Jesus Without a Cause (John 15:25) Hebrews 6:4-6 Christians, who later reject Christ are guilty of crucifying again the Son of God.

4 The Saddest Words in the Bible
“I Do Not Know the Man” Matt. 26:70, 72, 74 Three times Peter denied having any affiliation with, or loyalty to, Jesus. John 12:42-43 Do we keep our faith to ourselves because we fear the reaction of others? Matt. 10:32-33; Mark 8:38 If we deny Him before men, He will deny us! John 12:42-43 – and we do not want to loose their approval and acceptance of us?

5 The Saddest Words in the Bible
“Go Away for Now” Acts 24:24-27 “I don’t need your mercy and grace God.” “I don’t want to be saved from my sins.” “I don’t care that Jesus shed His blood for me.” “I don’t want to enjoy the glory of heaven.” “I want to be in eternal torment in hell.” 2 Corinthians 6:1-2; Acts 16:32-33 We cannot afford to postpone our salvation! Some individuals are just like Felix, where there are small windows in time when a particular message spoken from the Word of God penetrates their heart and conscience. A Bible sermon captures their undivided attention and shakes them to their very core. At that moment in time, they are more or less at fork in the road. The most important decision of their life must be made right then. Continue to travel the broad way that leads to destruction; or change course and travel the narrow way leading to life eternal by obeying the gospel. Sadly and tragically, Felix (and countless others like him) ultimately decided to reject Christ and salvation.

6 The Saddest Words in the Bible
“Almost” Acts 26:24-19 This is as close as Agrippa ever came to being converted to Christ. He is an example of how faith “only” (i.e., mental agreement) does not save or make one a Christian (vv ; James 2:14-26). Saving faith will obey (Heb. 5:9; 2 Thess. 1:7-9). What a sad day in judgment for those who hear, and are “almost persuaded,” but lost!

7 The Saddest Words in the Bible
“And the Door was Shut” Matt. 25:10 (vv. 1-13; Luke 13:23-25) Disciples of the Lord must be ready at all times! Genesis 7:15-16 It was sad when God shut the door to the ark. Many were on the outside – left to drown! Revelation 3:20 Right now Jesus stands at the door and knocks. Will you let Him in or ignore His pleadings? It is quite sad indeed when men die unprepared to meet God in judgment. Once closed, the door into heaven will never be opened again!

8 The Saddest Words in the Bible
“I Never Knew You; Depart From Me” Matt. 7:21-23 Will be said to those who were: Religious, active and zealous Convinced they faithfully followed Jesus Disobedient to the Father’s Will How utterly awful to hear Jesus denying any relationship with us, and then sending us away to our eternal doom!

9 The Saddest Words In The Bible
These sad conditions do not have to be. You can change them. Do so by obeying the gospel of Jesus Christ. Come today, come now, as we stand and sing!

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