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IS SILENCE GOLDEN? Generic and Specific Authority.

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Presentation on theme: "IS SILENCE GOLDEN? Generic and Specific Authority."— Presentation transcript:

1 IS SILENCE GOLDEN? Generic and Specific Authority

2 How to Find Authority in Scripture Look to the right source (the Word of Christ) Matthew 28:18 Look for direct statements that authorize Look for apostolic examples (we are commanded to follow their example) Phil. 4:9 Apply necessary inference in statements and examples (acknowledge unavoidable conclusions) Matthew 22:31-32 Absence of a prohibition (“It doesn’t say not to…”) does not authorize anything!

3 “It Doesn’t say not to…” No specific prohibition Hebrews 7:1-14 The Bible did not specifically say that a priest could not come from the tribe of Judah v.14 Korah contended that his choice was just as good as God’s choice Numbers 16:4-11, 28-35 Uzzah could say that the law didn’t say that he couldn’t offer incense, either 2 Chronicles 26:16-21 There is a specific declaration Exodus 28:1 There is a general prohibition Matthew 15:13

4 Noah’s Ark Genesis 6:14-22 God gave Noah specific instructions Dimensions: 300 x 50 x 30 cubits Number of levels: three Number of doors: one Number of windows: one Materials: gopher wood and gopher resin Occupants: two of every kind of animal; also his immediate family If Noah would deviate from these instructions, what would happen to him?

5 Noah’s Ark Genesis 6:14-22 God also gave Noah generic instructions Number of rooms in the ark: ? Size of each room in the ark: ? Tools to use in building the ark: ? Any tool is authorized to help in the building of the ark (aid or expedient) No tool would be authorized to be added as a part of the ark itself (addition) The difference between aid and addition We cannot change God’s word Gal. 1:6-10; 3:26-27

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