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Mrs. Christy Kreps509 493-1970 CHS Syllabus Student Signature Parent/Guardian Signature Student Name (print) Required by Teacher: Your signed syllabus.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Christy Kreps509 493-1970 CHS Syllabus Student Signature Parent/Guardian Signature Student Name (print) Required by Teacher: Your signed syllabus."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Christy Kreps509 493-1970 CHS Syllabus Student Signature Parent/Guardian Signature Student Name (print) Required by Teacher: Your signed syllabus is worth 20 pts and your equipment check out is worth another 20 pts. A $20.00 fee is due for this class. You may pay in the office. (This is worth 20 pts. too) Please return ASAP!!! Thanks! Mrs. Kreps My email:


3 Digital Imaging & Graphic Communications are one, two or three trimester courses designed for students interested in learning about artists, digital art, design theory and practice. The basic elements of art and principles of design are used to analyze and compare different aspects of the media driven society. This department’s emphasis is on individual creativity and growth of skills which make creative, original expressions possible. Graphic Communications can be taken for a Vocational Credit only and Digital Imaging is a fine art. Learning through photographic imagery is vital within the art curriculum. These classes are designed to introduce students to contemporary issues. These are explored through advertisements, subliminal messaging, and through the use of digital manipulation of images. Digital Imaging will have more of a Photography focus, learning about cameras, printing, artists and the history of photography. Upon successful completion of the class, the student will be able to use the artistic elements (line, shape, color, texture, space) and the artistic principles (balance, rhythm, unity, emphasis, contrast, proportion, pattern) consciously to construct and/or analyze all aspects of an artistic piece and be able to utilize the technology in class to create original pieces of computer generated art and graphics. The student will also be more prepared for the workplace and be able to incorporate lifelong learning skills with a moralistic attitude and ethics within the workplace, preparing students for their future. GRADING 60% Digital Art Works: These pieces of art are 60% of your overall semester grade. This is based on teacher and self evaluation of creativity and craftsmanship. Your art work reflects your time and technique. These hands on activities, content and process classes. Please work at your best ability at all times. 20% Participation & Empathy - Citizenship : Be on task with necessary materials. Always have your class booklet with you at all times. Attendance – Assisting students in establishing lifelong habits of reliability and promptness is an instructional objective of this particular course. Progress towards this goal will be measured, at least in part, by tracking student attendance. Tardiness or Unexcused Absences will directly affect your grade. The way you treat the teacher (THE BOSS) and your peers (CO-WORKERS) will be monitored in this classroom. Points will be awarded for outstanding employability. Points will be subtracted daily for bad behavior (lack of empathy, inappropriate language), poor work ethics, tardiness, absentness, and misuse of equipment (etc…). 20% Exams & Quizzes: (Written and/or Performance) These will be given at random to test skill level. Expect a final project.

4 TEACHER EXPECTATIONS As your teacher, I will expect you to: 1. Be in the room before the bell rings. If you are not in the room, you will be marked tardy. 2. A Positive learning environment towards art and peers are always reinforced in this room. 3. Please Respect others. Rudeness and inconsideration is frowned upon in this classroom. You will lose citizenship points off of your grade. 4. Use your time wisely, and put forth your best overall effort. 1. You will be deducted participation points for not working the entire class. 2. I will return work for further re-working, if I believe that effort was not given. 5. Follow the rules and direction of the teacher. This includes all substitutes and student teachers. Rules are posted on wall for you and substitute. 6. Take pride in this classroom and the materials that you use. 7. Use the restroom prior to class. 8. Please follow the dress code policy for the district (hoods, hats & sunglasses are also a part of this code). If you choose not to, you will be asked to go to the office. Please respect and follow the rules. 9. Cell Phones will be confiscated if they are out or ringing during class time. You will need to pick up the phone from the main office at the end of the day! 10. Music may be listened to with appropriate head phones. Thanks! STUDENT EXPECTATIONS As one of my students, you can expect me to: 1.Make lessons intentional, purposeful, responsive, instruction student centered and information clear and understandable. 2.Respect individuality 3.Challenge you to do your absolute best. 4.Create a relaxed, safe, and POSITIVE learning environment. 5.Make myself accessible to you and your parents for personal conferences and critiques. 6.Expose you to all types, styles and aspects of the artistic experience. 7.HOLD YOU ACCOUNTABLE FOR ALL OF YOUR ACTIONS! 8. YOU CAN DO IT! CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS, RULES, SUPPLIES, GRADING & Tips for Success. Your Actions Have Consequences!!!

5 Classroom/Lab Expectations Continued… 1.Responsibility – Please be in your seat on time. a. If you are absent, please let me know by email or as soon as you are back. b. Not in classroom when bell rings…..YOU ARE TARDY! I will keep track of your tardiness and notify you when you have reached 3. You will have one day of lunch detention for your tardiness (2 days) and it will go up after that. *c. 15 ABSENCES WILL RESULT IN A NO CREDIT. (Unless extenuating circumstances) *PLEASE NOTE THIS IS A CHANGE FROM LAST YEAR!! 2.Classroom Management – Please keep the room clean! a. Your work area, equipment (sink, brushes, palette, etc.) b. Your tabletop and floor area ( This is part of your responsibility grade.) Please…NO FOOD, JUICE, POP, Etc (Especially by the computers) 3.Keep your hands and other objects to yourself(No Roughhousing) 4.No printing of other classes homework from the printer in this lab. Please ask permission to print in order to keep cost down. 5. No students allowed in back storage room unless requested to do so. 6. Please ask permission to use my computer and/or desk. 7. Use school appropriate language. 8.Please pay your $20.00 fee as soon as possible. (I purchase all equipment, paper, paint, cameras and ink with this. 9.Please hand in all work on time. (5 Points will be subtracted from project grade if turned in 1 day late unless technical problems. 5 points for each day after without appropriate notes) 10.Originality (Creativity) and Craftsmanship (Technical Skills) are very important, these skills you will acquire during this class. 11. Damage to School Equipment (Computer, Tables, Chairs, Scanners, Cameras) will get you an immediate removal from the class + A Fine Card!

6 OBJECTIVES: The Student will be able to: 1.Demonstrate a basic knowledge of graphic design &/or digital art 2.Understand the production and printing processes. 3.Understand computer graphics as a fine art and a vocational commercial art. 4.Apply skills learned in Photoshop. 5.Understand basic digital & commercial art terminology and technology. 6.Develop the capacity to identify computer imagery (PBL). 7.Understand how Digital Imagery influence society and the decisions people make. 8.Understand the characteristics of three basic lettering styles: Script, Serif and Sanserif. 9.Understand how a digital camera, scanner, universal USB card reader and CD burner works. 10.Explore the use of several techniques that may be combined to produce a commercial ad. 11.Understand how to use the computer to create a graphic symbol. 12.Use the digital camera and computer as a creative tool for expression. 13.Develop leadership and decision making skills. 14.Improve written, oral and visual communication skills. 15.Understand what a JPEG, TIFF, and PSD files are. TECHNOLOGY: Adobe Creative Suite – Photoshop CS6 & In-Design Microsoft – Powerpoint Nikon Camera basics Intuos Wacom Pen Tablets – using these to draw cartoons and other applications COPYRIGHT LAWS: These Laws will be discussed further during class lecture. ACTIVITIES: Examples of activities 1.America’s Poster. 2.Learning about Ethics / Copyright 3.Learning Photoshop and In-Design. 4.Learning about Digital Cameras, Scanners, CD Burners, USB, Universal Card Readers. 5.Create Personal Visual Logo 6.Image Manipulations & Subliminal Advertising 7.Time magazine’s picture puzzles 8.Magazine cover 9.Special Event Poster for Community 10.Fine art pictures using Photoshop 11.Packaging / Labels for Bottles, Cans & Boxes 12.CD & DVD case inserts 13.Logos/ Business Card/ Letterhead 14.Cupcake Company designs 15.Client Based Work Experience 16.Mandala 17.Photoshop presentations to class ( artists & tricks) 18.Advertisements for different products 19.Cartoons 20.Movies – clay animation, stop motion animation, GIF

7 Grading Grading Scale: A = 93% and above A- = 89.5 - 92.9 B+ = 87% - 89.4% B = 83% - 86.9% B- = 79.5% - 82.9% C+ = 77% - 79.4% C = 73% - 76.9% C- = 69.5% - 72.9% D+ = 67% - 69.4% D = 59.5% – 66.9% F = 59.4 and below Please save for future reference throughout the year. My email : My Phone number: 509-493-1970 I’m usually after school until 4:00. The best way to reach me is my email.

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