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New National Curriculum Briefing Maths 1. Aims Highlight key changes within the new national curriculum for mathematics Investigate implications for schools.

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Presentation on theme: "New National Curriculum Briefing Maths 1. Aims Highlight key changes within the new national curriculum for mathematics Investigate implications for schools."— Presentation transcript:

1 New National Curriculum Briefing Maths 1

2 Aims Highlight key changes within the new national curriculum for mathematics Investigate implications for schools Consider possible next steps 2

3 National and School Curriculum ‘The school curriculum comprises all learning and other experiences that each school plans for its pupils. The national curriculum forms one part of the school curriculum.’ (2.2 National Curriculum KS1-4) Requirement from 2012 to publish curriculum online. (2.4 National Curriculum KS1-4)

4 National Curriculum 2014 – Aims 4

5 Balance 5 Procedural fluency Conceptual understanding

6 Models and Images To be able to attain higher expectations we need children to have a strong sense of number. There’s also a need for children to move fluently between representations of mathematical ideas. 6

7 Task Have a look at key changes between the old maths framework and new national curriculum Which changes have the biggest implications for the learning and teaching of maths? 7

8 The Big Picture 8 Children’s conceptual understanding should be developed. Appendix 1 – “Examples of formal written methods” - This list is not exhaustive, nor does it represent progression in calculation

9 Assessment Levels will not be a part of new assessment framework from 2016 Standardised assessment is currently being written for Year 2 and Year 6 Schools are expected to develop their own strategies for monitoring pupil progress

10 Key Dates for Assessment 2013/2014: Years 1, 2, 5 and 6 follow present curriculum for maths The maths curriculum has already been disapplied for Years 3 and 4, allowing schools to engage with the new curriculum 2014/2015: Years 2 and 6 follow present curriculum for maths All other year groups follow the new maths curriculum 2015/2016: All year groups follow the new maths curriculum


12 Implications for Year 6 SATs In May 2014: There will be no calculator paper for Levels 3-5, although a calculator paper will remain for Level 6 Paper 1 and 2 replace Test A and B. A mental maths test will remain. department-for-education/series/national-curriculum 12

13 What did we do? Looked at one year group in depth and prioritised learning objectives for the autumn, spring and summer terms * Used mind mapping for one strand (fractions) across year groups * Developed progression charts for strands in learning Created a flow chart document to show possible ways forward 13

14 Where to start? Have a look at the cards and highlight starting points for your school. Which pathways will allow your school to prepare a scheme of work and calculation policy by September 2014? 14

15 Available Support in Oxfordshire Primary Support Team: Spring Workshop – Strategies for creating a scheme of work. Investigation of progression in models and images 4 th /5 th /11 th February, 2014 (AM or PM) Summer Workshop – Strategies for updating a calculation policy 29 th /30 th April and 6 th May, 2014 (AM or PM) 15

16 Other Available Support NCETM – primary CPD module, downloadable videos and self evaluation tool Nrich curriculum mapping tool – for problem solving and investigations 16 NRICH

17 Primary Support Team Phone: 01865 897770 Intranet: support-team Twitter: @OxonPST

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