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Subjunctive in noun clauses. What is a noun clause A subordinate clause that functions as a noun. It is the direct object of a verb of will, influence,

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1 Subjunctive in noun clauses

2 What is a noun clause A subordinate clause that functions as a noun. It is the direct object of a verb of will, influence, emotion, doubt or denial. A noun clause answers the question, what? after the main clause.

3 Verbs of will and influence When the subject of the main clause exerts influence or will on the subject of the subordinate clause, the verb in the subordinate clause must be in the subjunctive. Ella quiere que yo vaya al hospital.

4 Common verbs of will and influence Aconsejar to advise, counselInsistir to insistProhibir to prohibit Desear to desireMandar to orderProponer to propose Exigir to demandNecesitar to needQuerer to want; wish Gustar to be pleasingOponerse a to opposeRecomendar to recommend Hacer to makePedir to ask for; requestRogar to beg; plead Importar to be importantPreferir to preferSugerir to suggest

5 examples Necesito que hagas la tarea. El doctor recomienda que Marta le llame mañana. El profe pide que estudiemos esta noche.

6 No change of subject The infinitive, and not the subjunctive, is used if there is no change of subject. Yo quiero ir al cine. Te gusta ver las películas de horror.

7 Verbs of emotion When the main clause expresses an emotion like hope, fear, joy, pity or surprise, the verb in the subordinate clause must be in the subjunctive if the subject in that clause is different from the subject in the main clause.

8 Common verbs of emotion Alegrarse (de) to be happy (about) Es una pena it’s a pitySentir to be sorry; regret Es extraño it is strangeEsperar to hope; wishSorprender to surprise Es ridículo it is ridiculousGustar to be pleasingTemer to fear Es terrible it is terribleMolestar to botherTener miedo (de) to be afraid (of)

9 Examples Temo que mi hijo sufra de la gripe. A Paco le gusta que su novia le compre un regalo para su cumpleaños.

10 No change of subject The infinitive is used if there is no change of subject. Temo tener un resfriado. A Paco le gusta recibir regalos.

11 Ojalá (que) This expression is always followed by the subjunctive (the “que” is optional). Ojalá que ella no se empeore.

12 Verbs of doubt or denial When the main clause implies doubt or denial, the verb in the subordinate clause must be in the subjunctive if the subject is different from that of the main clause.

13 Common verbs of doubt or denial Dudar to doubtEs imposible it is impossible Negar to denyEs improbable it is improbable No creer to not believeEs poco seguro it is uncertain No es verdad it’s not true(no) es posible it’s (not) possible No estar seguro de to not be sure about(no) es probable it’s (not) probable

14 examples No creemos que ella mejore la salud. No es verdad que ellos mantengan una buena forma física.

15 Bottom line: You need subjunctive in the subordinate clause if: UWEIRDO + change of subject = subjunctive

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