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Answers to Transport Problems

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1 Answers to Transport Problems
Bio 391

2 Cellular transport problem solving
1A. The cell has burst 1B. Hypotonic 1C. Water rushed into the cell. The cytoplasm must have been more concentrated.

3 2A. Water is moving out 2B. Completely shrivel and die 2C. Hypertonic

4 3A. Fructose – there is none in the bag and the concentrations will move to equilibrium
3B. glucose is more concentrated and will move to achieve equilibrium

5 4A. Water is rushing out of the vacuole and the cell is shrinking, yet the cell wall is staying intact. 4B. Plasmolysis 4C. Hypertonic

6 5A. Hypertonic 5B. Water out of cell 5C. Cell will shrivel


8 7. Water is rushing in, making the cell bigger
7. Water is rushing in, making the cell bigger. Cell wall restricts more expansion.

9 8A. Water will go to A. Salt will go to A.
8B. A 8C. Molecules don’t stop moving. The system will maintain equal concentrations but diffusion will still occur, slowly

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