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We Write. You Research. Grant and Program Development Office of the Vice Dean, Research and Innovation.

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Presentation on theme: "We Write. You Research. Grant and Program Development Office of the Vice Dean, Research and Innovation."— Presentation transcript:

1 We Write. You Research. Grant and Program Development Office of the Vice Dean, Research and Innovation

2 Introduction Della Saunders, PhD Grant and Program Development Manager Sarah Carson, PhD Grant and Program Development Officer

3 What do we do?  Provide writing and editorial support for research grant proposals to ANY FUNDING AGENCY  CIHR, HSF, CDA, CCSRI, CFI, CRC, NIH, etc.  Single-investigator applications  Major multi-researcher pan-institutional team applications  Ensure a consistent, cohesive voice when sections are written by different researchers

4 Why use grant development?  2 ways to improve chances of funding success  Scientific peer review — arranged through your department/division  Professional writing and editorial support  We work to improve your proposal’s  Impact, focus, structure, readability, organization, enthusiasm, persuasiveness

5 Why use grant development?  Grant development improves success rates  CIHR Open Operating Grants success rates in the Faculty of Medicine (last 4 competitions)  % Edited grants vs. % Non-edited grants  36 vs. 26 (spring 2013)  38 vs. 30(fall 2013)  41 vs. 27(spring 2014)  27 vs. 13(spring 2015)

6 Is there a charge?  No fee for on-campus researchers (e.g., labs in Medical Science Building)  A fee may apply for off-campus, hospital-based researchers  Contact Della  Contact your Chair or Director; the fee may be paid by your department or division

7 Why should your research be funded?  Because you do impactful, novel, feasible, and solid science  Present your research as a problem to solve  A major, significant multi-faceted problem ― we know “this”, but we don’t know “that”  Hypothesize how your research will help solve the problem  To solve the problem, you will do Aims 1, 2, 3

8 Thank You! Della Saunders, PhD Grant and Program Development Manager Sarah Carson, PhD Grant and Program Development Officer

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