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19-CENTURY “‘ISMS”. NEOCLASSICISM & ROMANTICISM Emerged during the French Revolution.

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3 Emerged during the French Revolution

4 NEOCLASSICISM ADMIRATION FOR ANCIENT Greek and Roman culture and architecture Jacques-Louis David (painter) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (musician) Court patronage, first public concerts; precise melodies

5 ROMANTICISM  Belief that the artist creates art from within; not necessarily concerned with pursuing the truth  Rebellion against Enlightenment thought  Characterized by admiration of Gothic architecture, questioning of value reason  Belief that the world is mysterious  Influenced by the Middle Ages

6 ROMANTICISM  Paintings—depicts power of nature, storms, internal turmoil, human tragedy  Literature—emphasis on imagination, internal character development  Music—belief that music should evoke an emotional response  Religion—two thoughts—faith comes from within with no external stimulus or return to Catholicism


8 CONSERVATISM—Upper Class Belief that stability should be maintained through alliances of  Hereditary monarchy  Landed aristocracy  Established church

9 ADVOCATES  Edmund Burke (English) cautions against over throwing national traditions  Joseph de Maistre (French) believes social order stems from Church (blames Voltaire for the FR)

10 POLITICAL IDEAS LIBERALISM—Upper Middle Class Belief in  Free press  Expansion of electoral franchise  Legal equality  Religious tolerance  Unregulated economy  Not that democratic, ---- FEARED revolution by the masses

11 ADVOCATES  John Stuart Mill (English) promotes freedom of conscience

12 POLITICAL IDEAS NATIONALISM—ALL CLASSES Belief that the political boundaries of countries coincide with the ethnicity of their inhabitants, so each nation has its own ethnic identity Encourages some ethnic groups to try and create their own nations through unification or revolution

13 ADVOCATES  Johann Herder (German) believes each nation has its spirit-- encourages study of folk culture  G.W.F. Hegel (German) believes ideas evolve through conflict with each other-- promotes idea of strong state leading its people

14 POLITICAL IDEAS LAISSEZ-FAIRE CAPITALISM promotion of free-enterprise regulated by the market, not government—three laws 1. Self-interest 2. Supply and Demand 3. Competition

15 ADVOCATES  Adam Smith (Scottish) opposed all hindrance to economic liberalism; rejected mercantilism—The Wealth of Nations  Thomas Malthus (English) predicts that population growth will outstrip agricultural production  David Ricardo (English) believes “iron law of wages” means wages will stay always low

16 POLITICAL IDEAS UTILITARIANISM—Belief that law and society should be organized to bring the most happiness to the greater number of people

17 ADVOCATES  Jeremy Bentham (English)

18 POLITICAL IDEAS SOCIALISM—Belief that equal distribution of money and property will create an ideal society based on equality and freedom

19 ADVOCATES  Henri de Saint-Simon (French)  Robert Owen (English)  Charles Fourier (French)  Etienne Cabet (French)

20 POLITICAL IDEAS MARXISM—Revolutionary branch of socialism—claim overthrow of capitalism is inevitable—urges workers in all countries to unite

21 ADVOCATES  Karl Marx (German)  Friedrich Engels (German) Together publish The Communist Manifesto

22 POLITICAL IDEAS ANARCHISM—Belief that society works best without government Varying views of the spectrum to accomplish

23 ADVOCATES  Pierre-Joseph Proudon (French) declares that property is theft  Mikhail Bakunin (Russian)  Peter Kropothin (Russian) use violence –terrorism – to assassinate government leaders


25 REALISM—Realistic portrayal of the world in literature and painting emphasizing the dignity of common people, doing common things

26 ARTIST(S)  Emile Zola (French) writes novels about lower class occupations, including Nana and Germinal  Henrik Ibsen (Norwegian) incorporates psychological, realistic drama in plays  George Bernard Shaw (Irish) playwright who causes riots with social causes  Jean-Francois Millet (French) paints peasants at work

27 ART & CULTURE IMPRESSIONISM—painting with small strokes of color, painting outdoors, to explore modern life and leisure activities


29 ARTIST(S)  Edouard Manet (French) exhibits shocking nudes  Claude Monet (French) uses one scene in different seasons and light

30 ART & CULTURE EXPRESSIONISM—use of bold colors and odd juxtapositions to elicit emotional responses

31 ARTIST(S)  Edvard Munch (Norwegian) exemplified this best painting the Scream

32 ART & CULTURE CUBISM (1907)—the use of geometric forms

33 ARTIST(S)  Pablo Picasso (Spanish) pioneers Cubist art form

34 NOT AN ‘ISM but in the PICTURE

35 ART & CULTURE PHOTOGRAPHY—allows rapid, easy production and reproduction of images Cut production time dramatically, making commercial photography a viable business

36 ARTIST(S)  Louis Daguerre (French) 1839— publicizes the first form of photography—the daguerreotype

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