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Intelligent trigger for Hyper-K with GPUs Akitaka Ariga University of Bern, Switzerland.

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1 Intelligent trigger for Hyper-K with GPUs Akitaka Ariga University of Bern, Switzerland

2 Recent changes in design Conventional design – 10 compartments – Noise rate in each of them is about SK scale Recently coming back to SK style – For cost optimization – 1 (or a few) large detector – Longer gate width – Larger number of PMT per detector – Large noise rate to cope

3 Noise rate in Hyper-K SK -> HK : Smaller signal and larger background – Detector size -> larger -> gate width longer 200ns ->500ns – # of sensors -> larger N 12k -> 20k ~ 80k – Noise rate -> larger N 4kHz -> 10kHz – Photo coverage -> smaller  smaller S 40% -> 15% ~ 20% SK: 200ns x 12,000PMTs x 4kHz = 10 hits/gate (SK threshold = 33 hits) HK:500ns x 20,000PMTs x 10kHz = 100 hits/gate Direct impact on low energy neutrino physics, supernova and partially on proton decay

4 Signal in SK (40%) Signal in HK (20%) Noise level in HK Noise level in SK Solar neutrino Supernova Signal / background Signal: 6 hits/MeV (SK,40%), 3 hits/MeV (HK,20%) Noise level: expected number of hits in a gate – SK: 200ns x 12,000PMTs x 4kHz = 10 hits/gate – HK:500ns x 20,000PMTs x 10kHz = 100 hits/gate Noise hits will be dominant at low energy (E<30MeV)

5 Solar neutrino Supernova Detectable energy Detectable : Signal+Noise > Noise + noise fluctuation Noise issue is essential to access low energy physics below 20 MeV, where most of supernova, solar neutrino, some of proton decay signals exist. Signal + noise in SK Signal + noise in HK Noise + 5  fluctuation = realistic threshold detectable

6 Need to improve trigger quality Be intelligent! – Use of 4D information hits, (x,y,z,t) Many ideas – Exploit TOF information to narrow gate width  next page – Vertex calculation: 2 hits can make a hyperbolic surface, 4 hits can make unique identification of vertex position – Ring pattern fitting A B C Hyperboli c by A, B Hyperboli c by B, C

7 One of many ideas: Sub-volume triggering The largest factor of noise increase is gate width due to large detector  Let’s make it small. Sub-volume triggering – Divide detector into several sub-volumes – In each sub-volume, perform inversion of hit-time using distance from hit- positions –  smaller gate width, canceling detector size increase Large computing power required – triggering in O(100) sub-volumes A V center of sub-volume projected params A’ t t’

8 Intelligent trigger with GPUs To profit of 4D data, need more computing power GPU is an ideal solution: Expertise in LHEP-Bern – GPU: Graphic Processing Unit – Parallel processing with O(1000) processing cores – Triggering code can be highly parallelized

9 Parallel processing GPU allow you a parallel processing with thousands of processing cores. Serial process CPU Parallel process GPU task 1 task 2.

10 High computing power 1 full tower of CPU based computing cluster = 5-10 TFLOPS NVIDIA Geforce Titan Z = 8 TFLOPS FLOPS = floating-point operations per second

11 CMOS camera 0.5 – 2.4 Gbyte/s CMOS camera 0.5 – 2.4 Gbyte/s Experience of LHEP-Bern 1: High speed emulsion reconstruction Custom-made real-time scanning microscope (Real time) 3D track reconstruction with GPUs x90 faster Geforece GTX TITAN x 3 2688 cores, 6GB memory, 4.5 TFLOPs in each JINST 9 P04002 (2014), GTC2014, GPU in high energy physics (2014)

12 Hough transform with GPU x 50 faster processing achieved x 50 faster LAr detector (ArgonTube at LHEP-Bern) Experience of LHEP-Bern 2: Reconstruction of LAr-TPC

13 Possible hardware for HK Data will be distributed to several nodes equipped with GPUs O(100) processes run with O(100,000) GPU cores 4U processing server 2 CPU x 10 cores 8 GPUs (24,000 cores) Processing machine GPU 2.5 Gbyte/s CPU Processing machine GPU CPU Processing machine GPU CPU

14 Improve WIT? One of the bottlenecks with current algorithm is number of combinations. – To calculate a vertex with 4 hits – n C 4 quickly increase like n 4 – 10 C 4 = 210 (SK level), 100 C 4 = 3.9x10 6 (HK level) – (according to Michael Smy, a hit selection can reduce n 4 -> n 3, which is implemented in WIT) A comparison of processing time is quickly studied.

15 Vertexing by 4-hits combination Using a WCSim-simulated data provided by Yano – H 100m, D 69m, electrons start from center – Only signal hits are used, 5000 events. Implement code in CPU and GPU Equivalent result is, of course, obtained in GPU CPUGPU Vertices are reconstructed at center of detector (0,0,0), as it should be.

16 First comparison in speed Basic optimization done for CPU code Factor 35 faster with GPU In my experience, it can be additional factor 2-5 faster with further optimization. 3MeV5 7 11 13 15 MeV (about 500,000 combinations / event) 9 20 MeV (about 1.6 million combinations / event) cpu 788 sec gpu 22.71 sec

17 Sub-volume triggering In each sub-volume, perform inversion of hit-time using distance from hit-positions –  smaller gate width, canceling detector size increase Test with simulated data – H 100m, D 50m – electron emitted from center to x direction A V center of sub-volume projected params A’ t t’ x z y (0,0,0)

18 Sub-volume triggering A V predefined vertex projected params A’ x z y time back-calculation to predefined vertices along x x axis = [500, 1500] ns, 10 ns binning, blue histogram = event related 100 m height, 69 m diameter, 19 k PMTs, 9 MeV Center

19 Subvolume triggering time back-calculation to predefined vertices along Z A V predefined vertex projected params A’ x z y x axis = [500, 1500] ns, 10 ns binning, blue histogram = event related 100 m height, 69 m diameter, 19 k PMTs, 9 MeV Center 軸方向に vertex を並べたときに比べて ピークが局在化。高い値を持つ領域は楕 円球状に存在する  tracking できる、そし ていくつかの subvolume の連続すること を要求すればBGも落とせる。

20 Signal/BG Separation Predefine vertices every 5m in detector volume(~3000 vertices) Find vertex which has highest entry in one of time bin 9 MeV electron from center x 5000 events Predefine vertex every 5m Simply counting # of hits in 500 ns gate width Number of hits in 10 ns in the most probable predefined vertex (time-space) 数字上 2.7 から 7 シグマに向上するが思ったよりセパレーションがよく ない。。。そもそもガウシアンではない。 Noise only に対しても 3000 個 の Vertex で最大値を取ると chance coincidence で高く出てしまうことが 原因。要改良。 s=2.7 s=7.0 noise only noise + signal

21 スピード

22 Summary Noise rate is a crucial issue for low energy neutrino, supernova and proton decay We are investigating an intelligent trigger by exploiting 4D data from detector Larger computing power of >O(100) could be necessary  An use of GPUs is a promising solution

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