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Welcome to the STROOP Experiment Page

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1 Welcome to the STROOP Experiment Page

2 Lab Instructions In this experiment we will provide a demonstration of various forms of the “Stroop Effect.” You are to name the “font color” used for each word presented at the top of each question. NOTE, it does not matter what the word says, what is important is that you choose the color Just like in a multiple choice test you choose the button that corresponds to the correct answer. Respond as quickly as you can, but try to be as accurate as possible This experiment calculates reaction time so it is testing how quickly you can respond In the entire experiment, you will be presented with four blocks (i.e., sets) of trials.

3 Click on the arrow below when you are ready
Block One Click on the arrow below when you are ready

4 Red Choose the correct print color. Blue Red Green Purple

5 Purple Choose the correct print color. Blue Orange Green Purple

6 Green Choose the correct print color. Yellow Purple Green Red

7 Click on the arrow below when you are ready
Block Two Click on the arrow below when you are ready

8 Blue Choose the correct print color. Blue Red Orange Purple

9 Orange Choose the correct print color. Red Orange Green Purple

10 Yellow Choose the correct print color. Purple Yellow Green Red

11 Instructions For the next set of blocks you are to name the animal presented at the top of each question. REMEMBER, it does not matter what any words say, what is important is that you choose the animal name Again, respond as quickly as you can, but try to be as accurate as possible

12 Click on the arrow below when you are ready
Block Three Click on the arrow below when you are ready

13 Rabbit Choose the correct animal name. Horse Dog Goat Rabbit

14 Sheep Choose the correct animal name. Horse Cow Sheep Rabbit

15 Dog Choose the correct animal name. Horse Dog Goat Rabbit

16 Click on the arrow below when you are ready
Block Four Click on the arrow below when you are ready

17 Horse Choose the correct animal name. Horse Dog Cat Cow

18 Sheep Choose the correct animal name. Cat Dog Horse Sheep

19 Lion Choose the correct animal name. Horse Lion Cow Rabbit

20 Lab Explained This experiment was modeled after what is known as the Stroop Effect. It is named after J. R. Stroop, who developed the experiments based on this task in the 1930s. In this task you are confronted with what is called an interference situation In one situation the word spells out a certain color, but it is presented with a different ink (e.g., green). In another situation animal names either match or conflict with a presented image. Because we are have so much practice at reading, it has become automatic and we can not stop reading even if when we try. When we do try, it is so difficult, our responses to the “interference” items are slower. On the next page are the mean reaction times for you experiment. Following that are your assigned readings and your homework assignment for this lab.

21 milliseconds Stimulus Type

22 Lab Homework Assignment
Follow this link to the electronic reserves for this course and download the following article: Bower, B. (1992, May 9). Brother Stroop's enduring effect. Science News, 141, , 316. Stroop, J.R. (1935). Studies of interference in serial verbal reactions. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 12, After reading the articles answer the following questions: Because the Stroop effect does not only occur with words/colors, list and explain two other situations where it may occur? What do you think would happen if your participant was just learning to read English? 3. In the article by B. Bower, he mentions two general categories of theoretical explanation for the Stroop effect, explain what are they? 4. In the article by B. Bowers, what did the research by McCleod and Dunbar show about the Stroop Effect?

23 Return to Presentations
Thank You!

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