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School Bus Drivers Inservice 2011-121. “STARS” has been developed to provide more equitable funding for school transportation.  The current system fully.

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1 School Bus Drivers Inservice 2011-121

2 “STARS” has been developed to provide more equitable funding for school transportation.  The current system fully funds some districts.  But provides about 65% of funding statewide. School Bus Drivers Inservice 2011-12 2

3  First: students are counted at destinations rather than at school bus stops.  Second: counts are done AM and PM.  Third: counts are reported three times per year; Fall, Winter & Spring. School Bus Drivers Inservice 2011-12 3

4 The new formula uses the following data:  Student Counts.  Average distance between bus stops & schools.  Destinations served by home-to-school school bus routes.  Number of kindergarten routes.  A couple of physical descriptions of the district. School Bus Drivers Inservice 2011-124

5  STARS funds kids within one road mile, if there is no safe route for them to walk.  Students picked up or dropped off in that area must be reported separately. School Bus Drivers Inservice 2011-12 5

6  Three reports each year.  Districts may count every day.  Counts made at school load zones (AM and PM).  Count students within the walk area at the bus stop. School Bus Drivers Inservice 2011-126

7 The following counts are reported:  Students on school buses.  Students bused in the walk area.  Students provided with transit passes. School Bus Drivers Inservice 2011-127

8 The following counts are reported:  Special Education.  Bilingual Program.  Gifted Program.  McKinney-Vento (homeless).  Early Childhood (Head Start, ECEAP, etc.). School Bus Drivers Inservice 2011-128

9 Student counts for:  Kindergarten.  Shuttles (Basic or Special). However, districts may require these student counts for their records. School Bus Drivers Inservice 2011-129

10  Transportation for after- school academic program students can be reported.  Non-academic program students are not reported. School Bus Drivers Inservice 2011-1210

11  Accurate counts.  Reports completed in ink.  Driver’s signature in ink.  Date.  (Pre and Post trip verification). School Bus Drivers Inservice 2011-1211

12  Daily logs will be required to be completed each day.  Counts need to be accurate at each destination.  Logs must be completed in ink. School Bus Drivers Inservice 2011-1212

13 “STARS” will provide more equitable funding for school transportation costs The biggest changes:  Student counts at the load zones (AM & PM).  Reported three times per year (Fall, Winter & Spring). School Bus Drivers Inservice 2011-1213

14 1. Name the new student transportation funding system. 2. Where will student counts be performed? School Bus Drivers Inservice 2011-1214

15 3. When will student counts be reported? 4. Name three requirements for filling out the daily log. School Bus Drivers Inservice 2011-1215

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