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Project 1 Presentation A new way to print 3-D metals and alloys Northwestern University AJ Judson.

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1 Project 1 Presentation A new way to print 3-D metals and alloys Northwestern University AJ Judson

2 Itinerary Current methods and new methods Sintering Green bodies Rust

3 3-D printing The use of materials such as: polymers, metals, and alloys to create structures by melting and “printing” in tandem with computer aid. Current methods use: powder beds, lasers, and electron beams; all of which are expensive. -for more info… See your library or Google to research more.

4 Comparative Analysis Current Method − As previously stated powder beds or the collection of metallic powders formed and meticulously stored/managed. Expensive laser or beam cutting to establish part/structure. − Limitations on what type of parts, structures, and architectures allowed to be made. − What type of materials that can be used in current 3-D printers are extremely particular and expensive.

5 Competitive Analysis, Cont. New Method − New technique which uses a “liquid ink” base and common manufacturing furnaces. − Through new technique projects can be produced with hollow and hole formations allowing a better representation/completion of finished products. − Materials used can be more versatile and cost effective due to the ink printing. -for more info…

6 Technology Traditional methods focus on concentrated energy sources (lasers and beams) that traverse the boundaries of a bed containing metal powder. During this process powder particles are fused and circumscribe the desired object. Additional powder is layered atop and the process starts again. Any unfused powder is taken away creating only solid bodies. This process is both time and cost ineffective along with limited compatible materials and alloys useable.

7 Technology Cont. The new method no longer uses the energy/bed combination and in fact detaches the traditional 2 Step process of printing architecture and fusing layers. Liquid ink consisting of metal or assorted metal powders, solvents, and an elastomer binder. Distributed through a syringe-extrusion process. Similar to that of cake frosting for bakers. All during a room temperature climate.

8 Sintering After the liquid ink is distributed, it quickly coagulates with earlier extruded material. Permitting sizeable substances to be shaped rapidly and instantly touched. The structures are then heated in a standard furnace, where the ink from all layers are joined without melting. This part of the process where the construct is also densified, and is called Sintering.

9 Green Bodies This is in between printing and sintering. Where the construct, is printed but not yet strengthened due to sintering. Constructs are flexible caused by the elastomer binder such as that in medical products like sutures. This gives a moldable approach to architectures new to metal 3-D printing.

10 Rust The new method can actually print using metal oxides i.e. iron oxide which is rust. The process incorporates a third step of using hydrogen to form green bodies into corresponding metal before sintering. This is innovative because rust is lighter, more consistent, more cost effective, and safer than dealing with pure iron powders.


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