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Yr 11 Essentials Evening November 2014. Secondary School Key Stage 4 Performance by Average Absence Sessions 0 20 40 60 80 100 Less than 15 (7.5 days.

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Presentation on theme: "Yr 11 Essentials Evening November 2014. Secondary School Key Stage 4 Performance by Average Absence Sessions 0 20 40 60 80 100 Less than 15 (7.5 days."— Presentation transcript:

1 Yr 11 Essentials Evening November 2014

2 Secondary School Key Stage 4 Performance by Average Absence Sessions 0 20 40 60 80 100 Less than 15 (7.5 days ) 15-20 (7.5 to 10 days ) 20-25 (10 to 12.5 days) 25-30 (12.5 to 15 days) 30-35 (15 to 17.5 days) 35-40 (17.5 to 20 days) Over 40 (20+ days) Average No. of Sessions Absence per Pupil % 5 or more grades A*-C (Level 2 threshold) % achieving any qualification % 15-y-o achieving

3 You have not learnt anything until you have memorised it!

4 What does your brain already do to help you remember things? Lets find out…… Your Natural memory

5 How your memory works philosophy of using your memory

6 6 How your memory works Attitude Process

7 Attitude makes a big difference Relaxed Stressed

8 If you think you can or think you can’t you’re right

9 if you think more positively, then different brain cells light up: ones that make you more alert and will help you find the information you need.

10 The key to your memory is storyline and imagination

11 Learning Challenge chimneysugarpants diarymapcar sunshinebriefcaseApril Dartmooralarm clockcup of tea fried eggJamesbowler hat

12 and finally……….

13 Review it 10 mins later 1 day later 1 week later 1 month later

14 Final bits of advice Take a 2-3 min stretch break every 30 or 40 mins during study time Eat well, especially breakfast Remember to relax Be positive Good nights sleep

15 Good luck! We know you can do it!

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