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Faculty Fellows for Service-Learning Spring 2015.

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1 Faculty Fellows for Service-Learning Spring 2015

2 Welcome! CUPS Advisory Committee & Staff Mandar Dewoolkar, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Chair Lesley-Ann Dupigny-Giroux, Geography Kate Finley-Woodruff, Community Development & Applied Economics Cynthia Gerstl-Pepin, Leadership & Development (CESS) Ann Kroll-Lerner, Office of Undergraduate Research Rachael Montesano, Romance Languages Mary Val Palumbo, Nursing (CNHS) Walt Poleman, RSENR & The Green House Barri Tinkler, Education (CESS) Kimberly Wallin, Forestry (RSENR) Susan Munkres, CUPS Director Tom Wilson, CUPS Program Coordinator

3 Introductions Name Department Topic Area of your Course

4 Service-Learning is… “Service-Learning is a form of experiential education in which students engage in activities that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities intentionally designed to promote student learning and development” (Jacoby, 1996).

5 What is Service-Learning? ServiceLearning Service- Learning Reciprocal Partnership Need/Interest defined by community Meaningful integration with course content Critical Reflection to “harvest” learning from community Credit/Assessment based on demonstration of learning

6 Think – Pair - Share Service-Learning Essentials

7 Service-Learning as a High-Impact Practice AAC&U: a membership organization of over 1,300 institutions dedicated to “ensuring that the advantages of a liberal education are available to all students regardless of background, enrollment path, academic specialization or intended career. Kuh (2005): High Impact Practices: What They Are, Who Has Access to Them, and Why They Matter

8 Effects of Service-Learning ( various AAC&U publications) Higher grades & academic gains Greater retention Higher levels of academic engagement Greater levels of reported social responsibility and self-efficacy Increases in critical thinking & writing skills Gains in moral reasoning Greater levels of deep learning (in the NSSE) Cumulatively, greater impacts in deep learning (for both SL and all HIPs) Greater impact for underserved students (both ALANA & 1 st Generation)

9 UVM Data on Service-Learning Similar gains as reported in NSSE data nationwide Strongest correlations of all the HIP’s studied in the NSSE (2011 data) Confirmed by the Survey of Recent Graduates: participation in SL is significantly correlated with reports of grades earned rating of UVM’s educational experience rating of UVM’s impact on learning rating of UVM’s impact on personal development likelihood of choosing UVM again

10 Student Panel with SL-TA’s What do students gain from service-learning? What (from a student perspective) helps to make a strong service-learning experience? What have you seen that faculty should avoid? What can faculty do to support the service- learning?

11 Logistics & Next Events Upcoming Workshop January 6 th, 9-2:30, Uheights North Multipurpose Room (possibly in Bailey/Howe 302) Reading on Syllabus -additional handouts will be sent to you next week Spring Luncheons Turn in your info sheet, please! Add: breakfast and/or coffee needs

12 University of Vermont Community-University Partnerships and Service-Learning – – 802-656-0095

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