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Antwain Haynes Pd 6 Mr. Clawson. Do You Know What All Of These People Have In Common?

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Presentation on theme: "Antwain Haynes Pd 6 Mr. Clawson. Do You Know What All Of These People Have In Common?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Antwain Haynes Pd 6 Mr. Clawson

2 Do You Know What All Of These People Have In Common?

3 Facts More than 2 million Americans become seriously ill every year because of toxic reactions to correctly prescribed medicines taken properly every year. And 106.000 die from those reactions. Prescription Drug Abuse is the 4 th leading cause of deaths in the U.S today.

4 Facts Cont.. Prescription drug abuse is generally the same between men and women, except among 12 to 17 yr olds. In this age group research conducted by the National `Institute on Drug abuse found that females are more likely to use psychotherapeutic drugs for non- medical purposes as well as well as abusing narcotic pain relievers and tranquilizers for non-medical purposes

5 What Do You Think The Top 3 Most Common Abused Prescription Drugs Are Nowadays?

6 Number 3 Valium- used to treat anxiety, extreme stress, and panic attacks. Effects- Loss of balance, dizziness, difficulties staying awake.

7 Number 2 Vicodin- used for moderate to severe pain and is usually abused by athletes. Effects- Dizziness, Nausea, Constipation and Vomiting.

8 Number 1 OxyContin- Usually given to cancer patients and those suffering from chronic pain. Effects- dizziness, confusion, constipation, dry mouth, respitory depression, headache, and in some instances death.

9 If A Patient Has A History Of Abusing Prescription Drugs. Would you still give them drugs even if they are in pain and In need of them?

10 Survey In a recent survey that I had taken of 40 students & teachers at Woodland Hills High School 36 out of 40 of those who were surveyed said that they are not for giving patients drugs if they have a history of abusing these drugs.

11 Thesis Statement Patients that have a history of drug abuse they should not be given pain management medication unless under extreme circumstances like a life or death situation. As well as having a background check before being prescribed these drugs.

12 Background History Prescription drug abuse has been in existence for decades, The start of prescription drug abuse began in the U.S during the 19 th Century where the U.S was at war between the North and the South because of slavery a.k.a The Civil War.

13 Negative Aspect These drugs are a negative force in today’s society because they’re highly addictive and easily to get a hold of in the streets. Way addicts usually get their high off the pain killers is pretty simple. Some usually get high off by crushing up the pill usually oxycontin and snorting the pill through there nostrils.

14 Main Point In the near future before prescribing a prescription painkiller, a doctor should take a thorough history of the patient. If they have a problem with abusing prescription drugs doctors should more closely monitor. Ways that they should do this is by having nurses monitor them on how many doses that they should be given and also have weekly urine test.

15 Main Point 2 Another thing is that someone should be a reliable monitor instead of the patient going somewhere instead of their home and monitor the patients at their homes. Ways that they should do this is by closely examine the people who are monitoring the patient and see if they are reliable enough to monitor the patients.

16 Main Point 3 Scientist should research less addictive drugs and prescribe them to doctors to give them to patients in need of them. In this way patients would become less addicted to these drugs and get the pain management that they need. Also as well as the scientist doing research the could probably find more ways of curing the patients addictions.

17 Argument Pain management pills should not be given to people with a history of abusing prescription drugs unless they’re being supervised on how much they can take or unless they are in chronic or life threatening pain.

18 Counter Argument Some people feel that people with pain should be given pain management or they should take some type of pill to cure there pain no matter if they have an addiction to drugs.

19 Conclusion When a patient is in need of prescription drugs they should have a background check and be able to have proof that they don’t have a history of drug abuse. In this way there will not be any problems or difficulties giving the patient these drugs


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