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Project Management “Project Planning & Scheduling” Lecture 07 Resource Person: M. Adeel Anjum.

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1 Project Management “Project Planning & Scheduling” Lecture 07 Resource Person: M. Adeel Anjum

2 M. Adeel Anjum2 Project Plan Project plan is the nominal plan to which the deviations will be compared. As we know that the process of developing the project plan varies from organization to organization, however, any project plan must contain the following elements 1.Overview: This section contains the short summary of objectives & scope of the project. It is directed to Top Management & contains statements about the goals of project.

3 M. Adeel Anjum3 2.Introduction: This section contains more detailed statement of general goals noted in the Overview Section. These statements also include Profit & Competitive Aims as well as the Technical goals of the Project. 3.General Approach: –This Section describes both, the managerial & Technical Approaches to work. –Technical Approach / Discussion describes the relation ship of the project to available technologies. –Managerial approach takes note of any deviation from routine procedures. 4.Contractual Aspects: This critical section of plan includes complete list & description of all reporting requirements, customer-supplied resources, liaison arrangements, advisory committees, project review & cancellation procedures, proprietary requirements, & any other specific management agreements.

4 M. Adeel Anjum4 5.Schedules: This section outlines various schedules & list all milestone events. Estimated time for each task. e.g: Project Master Schedule 6.Resources: There are 2 primary aspects of this section –Budget: Both technical & expense requirements are detailed by task, which makes the project budget. One time costs are separated from recurring project costs. –Cost Monitoring & Control: Cost Control & Monitoring procedures are described. 7.Personnel: This section lists expected personnel requirements of project. Special skills, types of training needed, possible routine problems, legal or policy restrictions on work, force composition & any other special requirement should be noted here..

5 M. Adeel Anjum5 8.Evaluation Methods: Every project should be evaluated against standards & by Methods established at project’s inception. This section contains brief description of procedures to follow in monitoring, controlling, storing & evaluating history of project. 9.Potential Problems: Sometimes it becomes difficult for the planners to make serious attempts to anticipate potential difficulties. These could be; –Disasters –Subcontractor’s default –Technical failure –Strikes –Bad weather –Resource Limitations –Sudden breakthroughs etc.

6 Planning & Scheduling Tools & Techniques

7 M. Adeel Anjum7 1.Action Plan Action plan contains the set of activities, their schedules, & the resources needed to complete the project, it includes; –Deliverables –Measures of accomplishment –Key constraints & assumptions –Tasks / events –Responsibility –Time –Precedence –Resouces

8 M. Adeel Anjum8 ACTION PLAN Project Deliverables/End Products: –A list of all products, documents, and services to be delivered to the customer over the life of the project is required. Requirements: –Requirements are specifications or instructions that must be followed during project performance. They may include technical requirements, facilities requirements, data requirements, management requirements, or special instructions.

9 M. Adeel Anjum9 CONT… Technical requirements may include codes, standards, laws, engineering or design specifications, models Facilities requirements include an initial assessment of types, amount, and quality of facilities needed for the project, along with related utilities, furniture, and equipment Functional and operational requirements spell out what the system, facility, or product being produced is intended to do.

10 M. Adeel Anjum10 CONT… Constraints: –Constraints may include known technical limitations, financial ceilings, or schedule “drop dead” dates. Technical constraints may be related to state-of the-art capabilities, interface requirements with other systems, or user-related issues Approaches/Strategies: –The approach or strategies to be utilized can have a major impact on subsequent planning.

11 M. Adeel Anjum11 CONT… Key Assumptions: –Every project is planned under some degree of uncertainty. –Therefore assumptions are required to estimate work scope, schedule durations, resource requirements, and cost estimates. Assumptions are also required when defining the management strategies, systems, and procedures to be utilized.

12 M. Adeel Anjum12 Work Break Down Structure (WBS)

13 M. Adeel Anjum13 WORK BREAKDOWN STRUCTURE The idea behind the WBS is simple: A complicated task is subdivided into several smaller tasks. This process can be continued until the task can no longer be subdivided, at which time you will probably find it easier to estimate how long each small task will take and how much it will cost to perform.

14 M. Adeel Anjum14 Developing WBS 1)Using the information from Action Plan, list Task, breakdown in successively finer level of detail. (continue until all meaningful task have been identified) 2)For each such work package, identified data relevant to WBS (duration, equipment, material etc). List the Personnel and organization responsible for each task (help in constructing L.R.C) 3) All work package information should be reviewed with the individual or org: who have responsibility for doing or supporting the work in order to verify the WBS’s accuracy.

15 M. Adeel Anjum15 CONT… 4)For the purpose of pricing a proposal, or determining the profit and loss, the total project budget should consist of : 1)Direct budget from each task 2)An indirect cost budget for the project [(G&A) overhead cost, marketing cost, other expenses not attributable to particular task] 3)A project’s “contingency” reserves for unexpected emergencies. 4)Any residual (include) the profit derived from the project.

16 M. Adeel Anjum16 CONT… 5)Schedule information and milestone events can be aggregated into project master schedule. The master schedule integrates the many different schedule relevant to various parts of project. 6)As project proceeds PM continually examine actual resource use by work element, task, work package up to the full project level. (compare actual/ planned) 7)Project schedule may be subjected to compression as the project budget. (compare Actual process/ schedule progress by W.E, WP, Task and complete project) to identify problem and take corrective actions. Additional resource brought to those task which are behind the schedule.

17 M. Adeel Anjum17 Important points: the WBS should be developed before the schedule. In fact, the WBS is the device that ties the entire project together. It allows resources to be assigned and estimates of time and cost to be made and shows the scope of the job in graphic form.

18 M. Adeel Anjum18 Model Work Breakdown Structure

19 M. Adeel Anjum19 Program House 1.0.0 Civil 1.1.0 Electrical 1.3.0 Foundations 1.1.1 Walls/ roofs 1.1.2 Level 1 2 3 Plumbing 1.2.0 Piping 1.2.1 Water 1.2.3 Piping 1.3.1 Water 1.3.2 Model Work Breakdown Structure

20 M. Adeel Anjum20 WBS Model

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