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FY 2011 Budget and Forecast Presentation Licking Heights Board of Education Regular Board Meeting October 19, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "FY 2011 Budget and Forecast Presentation Licking Heights Board of Education Regular Board Meeting October 19, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 FY 2011 Budget and Forecast Presentation Licking Heights Board of Education Regular Board Meeting October 19, 2010

2 2010-11 Appropriations by Fund Estimated Expenditures: ◦ General Fund $26,369,590 ◦ Bond Retirement Fund $3,416,089 ◦ Building Fund $1,500,000 * ◦ Permanent Improvement Fund $1,000,000 ◦ State Grants $15,000 ◦ Federal Grants $1,403,475 ◦ Other Grants $38,779 ◦ Food Service $1,176,511 ◦ Activity Accounts $550,183 * Does not currently include any of the $10M COPS proceeds to be used for construction/renovation

3 General Fund - Expenditures Total increase over 2009-2010 – 3.66% No additional staffing budgeted Health insurance renewal = 2.4% increase Reclassification of Flying Colors Preschool services (moved from Purchased Services to Other Expenditures) All equipment purchases removed

4 Federal Funds Multiple Sources: ◦ Consolidated Application ◦ American Reinvestment and Recovery Act (ARRA) ◦ State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF) ◦ Education Jobs Fund (Ed Jobs) ARRA and SFSF funds will not be reallocated beyond FY 2011 Ed Jobs fund will not be available after FY 2012

5 Consolidated Application Total Allocation - $715,828 Currently pays for: ◦ All or a portion of salaries for ten teachers (special education, Title I, ESL, etc.) ◦ Salary for special education secretary ◦ Benefits for three teachers and special education secretary ◦ Professional development for staff ◦ Supplies/materials and equipment needs for special education, Title I and ESL staff

6 ARRA Application Total Allocation - $262,410 Currently pays for: ◦ Salaries for three special education teachers ◦ Salary for special education supervisor ◦ Salary for literacy coach Funding has not been reallocated beyond FY 2011 Expenditures will have to be reallocated to general fund beginning in FY 2012

7 State Fiscal Stabilization Funds Total Allocation - $560,800 Currently pays for: ◦ Social Worker at LH West ◦ SRO’s at LH Central and LHHS ◦ LACA Services ◦ Community School Transfer ◦ Early Bird Program at LH South ◦ HS Electric Funding has not been reallocated beyond FY 2011 Expenditures will have to be reallocated to general fund beginning in FY 2012

8 Education Jobs Fund Total Allocation - $393,256 Available for expenditure in FY 2011 and FY 2012 (must be spent by 09/30/12) Unlike other Federal programs, supplanting is allowable (i.e. able to pay staff previously paid from non-federal funds) Full allocation to be used in FY 2012

9 Overview of Future Impact on General Fund $560,800 in SFSF funding ends FY11 $262,410 in ARRA funding ends FY11 $393,256 in Ed Jobs funding ends FY12 Total Impact in FY 2011 - $823,210 Additional Impact in FY 2012 - $393,256 Total Impact over 2 years - $1,216,466

10 Five-Year Forecast Total Revenues are estimated to decrease by 17.1% from FY 2011 to FY 2015 Why? ◦ $4.3M operating levy expires 12/31/11 ◦ Over $550K in SFSF funding removed beginning in FY 2012 ◦ 5% reduction in State funding projected in FY 2012 (flat lined from FY 2013-FY 2015) ◦ Reduction in reimbursement related to TPP phase-out

11 Five-Year Forecast Total Expenditures are estimated to increase by 34.6% from FY 2011 to FY 2015 Why? ◦ Additional staffing included in FY 2012 through FY 2015 to accommodate growth needs, ADK and loss of federal funds ◦ Benefits relative to new staff included ◦ Allocations for textbooks added beginning in FY 2012

12 What does this mean? The expiring levy will need to be replaced ◦ When and for how much has yet to be determined Some assumptions may need to be changed ◦ This would include reducing additional staffing positions or possibly cutting existing positions The final determination regarding the State’s biennial budget is crucial

13 Questions / Concerns

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