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Lamorinda Monthly Meeting – ‘Go Bags’ Released: 10 January 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Lamorinda Monthly Meeting – ‘Go Bags’ Released: 10 January 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lamorinda Monthly Meeting – ‘Go Bags’ Released: 10 January 2016

2 Visual 5.1 Community Emergency Response Team  Personal safety is ALWAYS the number one priority  Work as a team  Wear personal protective equipment…gloves, helmet, goggles, N95 mask and boots  The CERT goal is to do the Greatest Good for the Greatest Number  Hope for the best but plan for the worst

3 Visual Go Bags.2 Objectives  Identify what is a ‘go bag’  What they are  What types are there Car Home Office CERT, Long term…  What the items in them are for  What you need to have in your ‘go bag’

4 Visual Go Bags.3 Why do we need a ‘go bag’? * Earthquake * Fire

5 Visual Go Bags.4 Earthquake ‘Go bags’ CarHomeOffice

6 Visual Go Bags.5 Earthquake ‘Go bags’ Car ‘Car go bag’ Generally near you Not limited for weight, i.e. take things out Focus – get home Walking Water Weather HomeOffice

7 Visual Go Bags.6 Earthquake ‘Go bags’ Car ‘Car go bag’ Generally near you Not limited for weight, i.e. take things out Focus – get home Walking Water Weather Home ‘CERT go bag’ Focus - immediate response Short term needs ‘Long term go bag’ Focus on you & your family 72 hrs to 2 weeks Water, food, meds.. Office

8 Visual Go Bags.7 Earthquake ‘Go bags’ Car ‘Car go bag’ Generally near you Not limited for weight, i.e. take things out Focus – get home Walking Water Weather Home ‘CERT go bag’ Focus - immediate response Short term needs ‘Long term go bag’ Focus on you & your family 72 hrs to 2 weeks Water, food, meds.. Office ‘Office go bag’ Fall back not near car Not limited for weight, i.e. take things out Focus – get home Walking Water Weather

9 Visual Go Bags.8 Earthquake ‘Go bags’ Car ‘Car go bag’ Generally near you Not limited for weight, i.e. take things out Focus – get home Walking Water Weather Home ‘CERT go bag’ Focus - immediate response Short term needs ‘Long term go bag’ Focus on you & your family 72 hrs to 2 weeks Water, food, meds.. Office ‘Office go bag’ Fall back not near car Not limited for weight, i.e. take things out Focus – get home Walking Water Weather

10 Visual Go Bags.9 Fire ‘Go bags’ CarHome ‘Run out the door in less than 5 minutes bag’ Focus – what do you need to get out the door packaged & ready to go Reduces panic & remorse Office

11 Visual Go Bags.10 Earthquake ‘Go bags’ Car ‘Car go bag’ Generally near you Not limited for weight, i.e. take things out Focus – get home Walking Water Weather Walking Boots / Socks Water Poncho Flashlight / extra batteries Maps Leather gloves Personal First aid kit Medications Glasses / sunglasses Emergency blanket Toilet paper Jacket / fleece / hat Other Small AM/FM radio / extra batteries Swiss Army knife Water purification tablets

12 Visual Go Bags.11 Earthquake ‘Go bags’ Home ‘CERT go bag’ Focus - immediate response Short term needs ‘Long term go bag’ Focus on you & your family 72 hrs to 2 weeks Water, food, meds.. ‘Car Go Bag’ plus GRMS radio Pen and paper Yellow marking pen Pry bar Gas shut off value Mask N95 mask Gloves Better First Aid kit

13 Visual Go Bags.12 Earthquake ‘Go bags’ Home ‘CERT go bag’ Focus - immediate response Short term needs ‘Long term go bag’ Focus on you & your family 72 hrs to 2 weeks Water, food, meds.. ‘Car Go Bag’ + ‘CERT Go Bag’ plus Water 1 gallon @ person @ day Food 3,000 calories @ person @ day Some way to cook it Manual can opener Pets Food, leashes, cages, vaccination info,.. Leaving your home Tent Sleeping bags and air mattresses Lighting Toiletries, underwear, clothing,…

14 Visual Go Bags.13 Fire ‘Go bags’ Home ‘Run out the door in less than 5 minutes bag’ Focus – what do you need to get out the door packaged & ready to go Reduces panic & remorse Keys for everything Photos, wedding albums,… Family cherished items Children Parents Keepsakes Financial records Credit cards, extra cards and list of account #’s, phone #’s, … List of investments, account #’s, phone #’s,.. Copies of Drivers Licenses, Car Registrations, Passports… Contacts for everything, … Dog leashes, cages, VET records Lists of other things to take

15 Visual Go Bags.14 The Golden Day Entrapped Victim Survival Rate 30 Minutes99.3% 1 Day81.0% 2 Days36.7% 3 Days33.7% 4 Days19.0% 5 Days7.4% Time Until Rescue Survival Rate Buck Helm’s Car Cypress Structure Loma Prieta Earthquake Photo Courtesy of Ben Ho

16 Visual Go Bags.15 The Rule of 3’s  You can survive:  3 minutes without AIR  3 hours without SHELTER from extreme weather  3 days without WATER  3 weeks without FOOD

17 Visual Go Bags.16 STOP Stop Think Organize Plan

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