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The Cornucopia Institute is a national food and farm policy group, based in Wisconsin, and engaged in research and educational activities supporting the.

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Presentation on theme: "The Cornucopia Institute is a national food and farm policy group, based in Wisconsin, and engaged in research and educational activities supporting the."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Cornucopia Institute is a national food and farm policy group, based in Wisconsin, and engaged in research and educational activities supporting the ecological principals and economic wisdom underlying sustainable and organic agriculture. Through research and investigations on agricultural and food issues, Cornucopia provides needed information to family farmers, consumers, stakeholders involved in the good food movement, and the media. PO Box 126 Cornucopia, WI 54827 608-625-2042 Slide 1 Will Fantle Presentation at Northern Spirit Radio Banquet 2013

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12 The Alexandre Family EcoDairy Farm, Crescent City, California. Proving that organic dairy farming can be done at a larger scale with true access to pasture and high integrity. Slide 12

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17 Dominic Marchese, the owner of Manna Farms in Farmdale, Ohio, with one of his Piedmontese cattle. “I’ve come to find out it’s instilled in every man, the desire or need to grow something. I think that came from our Creator,” says Dominic. Manna Farms has been certified organic since 1976 and solely grassfed since 1999. Slide 17

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21 The Farmer and the Cook. Steve Sprinkel and his wife and partner Olivia Chase grow organic vegetables and operate an award winning restaurant in Ojai, CA. Slide 21

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23 The Cornucopia Institute is a national food and farm policy group, based in Wisconsin, and engaged in research and educational activities supporting the ecological principals and economic wisdom underlying sustainable and organic agriculture. Through research and investigations on agricultural and food issues, Cornucopia provides needed information to family farmers, consumers, stakeholders involved in the good food movement, and the media. PO Box 126 Cornucopia, WI 54827 608-625-2042 Slide 23

24 Will Fantle, The Cornucopia Institute Slide 24 – The End

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