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Standard 6.2 Provide textual evidence that characterizes the nomadic hunter-gather societies of the Paleolithic Age (use of weapons, tools and fire, beads.

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Presentation on theme: "Standard 6.2 Provide textual evidence that characterizes the nomadic hunter-gather societies of the Paleolithic Age (use of weapons, tools and fire, beads."— Presentation transcript:

1 Standard 6.2 Provide textual evidence that characterizes the nomadic hunter-gather societies of the Paleolithic Age (use of weapons, tools and fire, beads and jewelry)

2 Which of the following is an artifact from the Paleolithic Age? – 6.2
b. c d.

3 2. Which choice best describes the reason people call it “the Stone Age?” - 6.2
The technology available Type of communication Cultural traits Religious beliefs

4 3. Which innovation would be considered the oldest “Stone Age” innovation? – 6.2

5 4. Which “Age” were permanent shelters established? - 6.2 Paleolithic
Mesolithic Neolithic Paleolithic Age Mesolithic Age Neolithic Age

6 5. What word best describes the picture? – 6.2
Hunting and gathering societies Domestication of animals Development of religion Dairy farming

7 6. What best describes how the tools changed over time during the Paleolithic Age … 6.2
They became much larger They were less complex They weren’t as durable They were smaller and sharper

8 They were farming societies They domesticated large animals
7. Which of the following would best describe a hunter gatherers lifestyle? … 6.2 They were farming societies They domesticated large animals They were nomadic They built permanent shelters “A hunter-gatherer or forager society is one in which most or all food is obtained from wild plants and animals, in contrast to agricultural societies, which rely mainly on domesticated species. Hunting and gathering was humanity's first and most successful adaptation, occupying at least 90 percent of human history, and until 12,000 years ago, all humans lived this way,"[2] but following the invention of agriculture, hunter-gatherers have been displaced or conquered by farming or pastoralist groups in most parts of the world.”

9 8. What does the comics suggest about the roles of men and women in early hunter gatherer societies?” - 6.2 Women were the hunters Men were the gathers Women made all the decisions Men were the hunters

10 9. Which picture best represents nomadic activity? – 6.2

11 10. Which type of stone technology helped advance early man during the Paleolithic Age? - 6.2
Iron Ore Coal Copper Flint

12 11. Early humans of the Paleolithic Age lived in groups or bands consisting of about ________________. – 6.2 5 – 10 people people Groups larger than 200 Groups larger than 500

13 12. With the development of fire which of the following became available? – 6.2
People were able to hunt animals People were able to build shelters People were able to cook their food People were able to travel at night

14 13. What type of communication was first developed during the Paleolithic Age?- 6.2
Spoken language Written language Gestures Cellular

15 14. What does the picture best represents? – 6.2
Human expression Human communication Human language Human innovation

16 15. A nomad is someone who travels around instead of settling in one place. Which of the following sentences best describes why early humans were nomadic? – 6.2 They followed the movement of the animals they hunted. They didn’t have the wealth necessary to build a city. They moved around to stay away from their enemies. It was too dangerous to stay in one place too long.

17 16. The Paleolithic Era is characterized by…. – 6.2
mass migration from North America to Africa. development of clans and tribes. the earliest use of stone tools by humans. the first attempts at raising crops

18 17. Humans’ main source of food during the early Paleolithic Era was…
from the sea. from hunting and gathering. from farming and growing crops. from raising livestock and cattle.

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