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South Devon and Torbay Knowledge and Intelligence Network Quarterly I-bay meeting 20 th July 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "South Devon and Torbay Knowledge and Intelligence Network Quarterly I-bay meeting 20 th July 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 South Devon and Torbay Knowledge and Intelligence Network Quarterly I-bay meeting 20 th July 2015

2 Agenda Welcome and introductions Discussion on current projects/analyses – Potential Years of Life Lost (PYLL) Opportunities for collaborative working – Presentation / discussion JSNA update AOB

3 Potential Years of Life Lost (PYLL) in South Devon and Torbay

4 Potential Years of Life Lost (PYLL) It is a summary measure of directly age standardised (DSR) premature mortality per 100,000 registered population. PYLL represents the estimated number of potential years not lived by people who die before they are expected to due to a lack of timely and effective healthcare. A high rate of PYLL suggests that review of or reinvestment in current healthcare amenable causes would be advisable.

5 Geography and Sex

6 Deprivation MalesFemales

7 Conditions contributing to PYLL Males Females

8 Common risk factors Non-modifiable – Increasing age – Sex – Ethnicity Modifiable – Poor diet and nutrition – Physical inactivity – Smoking – Alcohol consumption above recommended daily amount

9 Public Health commissioned services to help prevent premature mortality NHS Health Checks (40-74 years) Adult weight management Physical activity referral Smoking cessation Health Trainers Torbay alcohol service

10 Round table: key priorities/ current pieces of work? Child Sexual Exploitation Profiles – Ceri Lloyd

11 Opportunities for collaborative working

12 System-wide approach NHS Five Year Forward View sets out a shared vision on how services need to change and what models of care will be required in the future: Prevention Patient-centred care Breaking down barriers between care providers New models of more integrated care

13 Integrated care

14 Not just NHS/LA – we all contribute to population health and the system G, Dahlgren. M, Whitehead. (1991) Polices and strategies to promote social equity in health; back ground document to WHO – strategy paper for Europe

15 Understanding opportunities to move upstream

16 Sam as his family and friends see him…


18 Where does I-bay fit in? Macro level – population level data to understand need across populations (JSNA) Meso level – population segments and risk stratification to identify needs of different groups. Working together to understand common groups and prevention opportunities. Micro level – integrated health records to coordinate peoples care (Sam’s Story)

19 What identifiers are people using? NHS number Unique pupil number (UPN) Person ref? Household ref?

20 I-bay collaborative work What people perceive to be the single biggest pressure point within their service area: – Ageing population – Poverty – Mental health – Isolation

21 JSNA update and future direction

22 Determining population need – South Devon and Torbay JSNA


24 Draft Integrated Prevention Strategy



27 Planned interactive tool update Refresh assets, population and profile data HTML template for profile data (Google maps) Include Torbay town level data Test a new template for asset maps or revert to individual asset reports Anything else you want to see?

28 AOB TOR Next meeting?

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