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ALERT MESSAGING SYSTEM Submitted by Submitted by Vinish.A Vinish.A Vindhya.K.V Vindhya.K.V Drishya.T.M Drishya.T.M Leeshma.A Leeshma.A.

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Presentation on theme: "ALERT MESSAGING SYSTEM Submitted by Submitted by Vinish.A Vinish.A Vindhya.K.V Vindhya.K.V Drishya.T.M Drishya.T.M Leeshma.A Leeshma.A."— Presentation transcript:

1 ALERT MESSAGING SYSTEM Submitted by Submitted by Vinish.A Vinish.A Vindhya.K.V Vindhya.K.V Drishya.T.M Drishya.T.M Leeshma.A Leeshma.A

2 Introduction Alert Messaging System. Designed for the instant communication between company to company, company to user, user to user. Developed for banking systems. System with proper feedback of Message Status.

3 Send Messages about critical conditions to customers. Secure Banking transactions. Alerting Customers through Mail and Mobile. Can work with every front and back office Application.

4 Block diagram Transaction Alert Messaging System Customer System Administrator Information Alerts Reports Request for Reports Report Request

5 About project Server administrator will give instruction to create the server. Customer sheet is generated consisting of customer ID,information about the channel interfaces like Email,SMS. Any customer can be added or deleted through Customer Management by the server administrator.

6 An application on the server send the Message through JSMS Message routed through Virtual Modem connected to a Cell phone using Java Communication API. Then Message is routed to SMSC- domain of mobile Network and transmitted to the Customer.

7 Application program on the Server route the E-Mail to Java Mail API, sending it to the desired customer. Generates reports regarding the Message Status - Send or Failed.

8 Requirements Requirements Windows XP SQL Server 2000 JDK 1.4 (JSMS,Java Mail,POP3) Java Servlet Development Kit

9 Project design Modules Customer Management. Message Management. Alerting Management.

10 Interface design Interface design Java Login form Customer form Inserting Customers Details. Inserting Customers Details. Updating Customers Details. Updating Customers Details. Other options. Other options.

11 Message form Message about the critical condition. Alert form Message Details. Customer Details. Type of Alert-Mobile or E-Mail.

12 Data flow diagram Level 0 Alert Messaging system Login Alerting Administrator

13 Level 1 Alert Messaging System Administrator CustomerManagement MessageManagement Alerting Customer Message Alerting through Mobile and Email

14 Level 2 Administrator AlertMessagingSystem Exit CustomerManagement AddCustomerModifyCustomerDeleteCustomer Alerting MessageManagement Notify AddMessageModifyMessageDeleteMessage JSMSEngine Java Mail Customer Message CustomerMessage Alerting Through

15 Database design Based on SQL Wide range of users can access it at the same time Helps in transmitting commands between the applications running on separate computers Data in SQL server tables can be partitioned across federations

16 Tables used AlertCustomerCustomerTrackingEmployeeMessageUsers

17 Applications Banking applications. Automatically delivering new product information to customers. Distributing market analysis and trend reports. Keeping partners informed about service calls and product updates.

18 Conclusion Security is preserved. No malpractice possible. Processing is fast and efficient. It sends any data from any database source to anybody,anywhere,via any device or method.

19 Constraints Equipped user. Dependent on services of E-mail,SMS. Text length and size have limitation. Dependent on the database server maintained within other organization.

20 Reference Complete Reference 1.3. SQL Server 7.0-BPB Application. Software Engineering-A practioner’s approach-McGraw Hill. System analysis and Design-EM Awadh.


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