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Apartheid in South Africa 1948-1994 Beyond Violence, How did the Minority Control the Majority?

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Presentation on theme: "Apartheid in South Africa 1948-1994 Beyond Violence, How did the Minority Control the Majority?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Apartheid in South Africa 1948-1994 Beyond Violence, How did the Minority Control the Majority?

2 1.Lack of political representation In 1855, blacks in frontier region were denied citizenship Blacks removed from the voting roll in Cape Province in 1936 Coloreds had right to vote taken away in 1956

3 Beyond Violence, How did the Minority Control the Majority? 2. Segregated Living Spaces 1913 – Blacks prohibited from owning property Group Areas Act (1950) Segregated residential areas for whites, Asians, Coloreds and Africans Urban Areas Act (1956) Local authorities could expel non-whites from urban areas Homeland Policy (1959) Created separate Bantustans, or homelands, for black population

4 Beyond Violence, How did the Minority Control the Majority? 2b. Homelands Separated the African population (couldn’t “band” together) Tribal reserves far away from the cities (and jobs) Land was barren and little transportation

5 Beyond Violence, How did the Minority Control the Majority? 2b. Homelands Separated the African population (couldn’t band together) Tribal reserves far away from the cities (and jobs) Land was barren and little transportation

6 Beyond Violence, How did the Minority Control the Majority? 2b. Homelands Separated the African population (couldn’t band together) Tribal reserves far away from the cities (and jobs) Land was barren and little transportation

7 Beyond Violence, How did the Minority Control the Majority? 2b. Homelands Families became separated from each other Most of the people left in the Bantustans were not able to work for themselves

8 Beyond Violence, How did the Minority Control the Majority? 2a. The Townships Segregated areas away from the cities Extremely overcrowded and primitive conditions Poor facilities – most had no running water or electricity

9 Beyond Violence, How did the Minority Control the Majority? 2a. The Townships Townships were often referred to as “shanty towns” due to the makeshift houses

10 Beyond Violence, How did the Minority Control the Majority? 2a. The Townships Residents were often subjected to police raids and “relocations” or evictions

11 Beyond Violence, How did the Minority Control the Majority? 2a. The Townships Compounds for single workers separated from their families

12 Beyond Violence, How did the Minority Control the Majority? 3.Pass Laws Every person must carry a pass Contains information about employment, housing, family, taxes paid and curfew

13 Beyond Violence, How did the Minority Control the Majority? 3.Pass Laws Every person must carry a pass Contains information about employment, housing, family, taxes paid and curfew

14 Beyond Violence, How did the Minority Control the Majority? 3.Pass Laws There were severe penalties if non-whites did not carry their passes at all times: prison, deportation back to the homelands

15 Beyond Violence, How did the Minority Control the Majority? 4. Inferior Education Bantu Education Act (1953) – Education of Africans under control of central government

16 Beyond Violence, How did the Minority Control the Majority? 4. Inferior Education Bantu Education Act (1953) – Education of Africans under control of central government Drastically inferior text- books, teachers, facilities and spending per student

17 Beyond Violence, How did the Minority Control the Majority? 4. Inferior Education Bantu Education Act (1953) – Education of Africans under control of central government Drastically inferior text- books, teachers, facilities and spending per student

18 Beyond Violence, How did the Minority Control the Majority? 5. Petty Apartheid Separate facilities for blacks and whites. This included the physical segregation of churches, hotels, restaurants, beaches and transportation

19 Beyond Violence, How did the Minority Control the Majority? 5. Restricted Employment: Family Life Families were kept apart from each other Little communication between family members Children are often raised by extended family away from parents and needed support

20 Beyond Violence, How did the Minority Control the Majority? Through Laws 1. No Voting Rights 2. Segregated Living Areas 2a. Townships 2b. Homelands 3. Pass Laws 4. Inferior Education 5. Petty Apartheid 6. Restricted Employment: Poor Family Life

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