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Labour market situation and labour market services in the Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund Kadri Daljajev 26 April 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Labour market situation and labour market services in the Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund Kadri Daljajev 26 April 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Labour market situation and labour market services in the Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund Kadri Daljajev 26 April 2012

2 Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund ● an independent public body (tripartite management - social partners and government); ● Founded in 2001 to administer unemployment insurance; ● Since 1st of May 2009 also responsible for active labour market measures: - merged management of benefits & active labour market measures to improve the access, quality and effectiveness of services; - increased flexibility and administrative capacity; - shared responsibility with social partners. ● Central office (Tallinn) & 15 regional offices (ca 500 empl.) 2Eesti Töötukassa

3 Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund Mission: to support the jobseekers in finding the suitable job and employers’ in finding the suitable employees (also support during economical reformations). Vision: to be a competent and trustworthy organisation which in cooperation with partners contributes to the increase of employment and flexicurity in the labour market. Core values: trust, cooperation and innovation. 3Eesti Töötukassa

4 Unemployment trends Eesti Töötukassa4

5 2.02.2016Eesti Töötukassa5 Unemployed young people (15-24) Source – Statistics Estonia

6 2.02.2016Eesti Töötukassa6 Registered unemployed young people (16-24) Source: Eesti Töötukassa (13.04.2012)

7 Registered unemployement among young people (31.03.2012) Young people = risk group -Individual assessment. -Not all young people belong into a risk group. e.g. a 24-year-old person with a university degree, previous work experience and language skills vs. 48-year-old factory worker who has worked in the same place for the last 20 years and speaks only one language. Eesti Töötukassa7

8 Educational background (age 16 – 24) Source: Eesti Töötukassa, 13.04.2012 2.02.2016Eesti Töötukassa8

9 Registered unemployed by last employment (age 16 – 24) Source: Eesti Töötukassa, 31.03.2012 2.02.2016Eesti Töötukassa9

10 Long-term unemployment and educational background Source: Töötukassa, 13.04.2012 2.02.2016Eesti Töötukassa10

11 How can we help them? -back to school -job mediation, -career guidance, -career information, -jobclubs, -jobseekers workshops, -voluntary work, -work practice, -counselling. 11

12 Thank You! Eesti Töötukassa12

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