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Students With A Goal SWAG

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Presentation on theme: "Students With A Goal SWAG"— Presentation transcript:

1 Students With A Goal SWAG
Classroom Expectations

2 Classroom Expectations Purpose
Creates a positive learning environment if everyone follows the expectations Classroom disruptions takes away learning time from you and everyone in the class. Every student should have a goal to learn something in each class every day.

3 Enter the classroom quietly and go directly to your seat.
Every minute of instruction is important, fooling around before class cheats you and your classmates of valuable time in class.

4 Put the topic on the left notes on the right

5 Teacher will not give you a pass 10 minutes after the tardy bell or 10 minutes before the end of class You must have your agenda to get a pass………Just sayin

6 Put the topic on the left notes on the right


8 Classroom Disruptions
Talking while teacher is talking Calling out without being called on Out of your seat without permission Arguing with teacher to entertain the class The code of conduct says you could get suspension Interrupting the learning process is a serious offence

9 Respect your teachers and other students

10 Always strive to do your very best
Goals without actions are only dreams

11 Write a summary using the notes

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