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WUP-FIN Thai Workgroup specifications Three sub-work groups: 1.Modelling 2.Data 3.Scenarios, planning, management and other model uses (User Sub-Group)

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Presentation on theme: "WUP-FIN Thai Workgroup specifications Three sub-work groups: 1.Modelling 2.Data 3.Scenarios, planning, management and other model uses (User Sub-Group)"— Presentation transcript:

1 WUP-FIN Thai Workgroup specifications Three sub-work groups: 1.Modelling 2.Data 3.Scenarios, planning, management and other model uses (User Sub-Group)

2 Modelling Sub-Group tasks In-depth learning of the model system and principles Model development (sediments, water quality, irrigation, hydrology etc.) Model testing (data checking, basic checks on results, correction of errors) Model calibration and verification Support for data works and model use

3 Data Sub-Group tasks Collection of necessary existing data Participation in field campaigns Data checking and processing into the model format Processing of the model output data and export into databases and GIS-systems

4 User Sub-Group tasks Definition of scenarios and management alternatives to be run with the system Processing of the scenario input data Running of the models for the scenarios Analysis of the results Easily comprehensible illustration of the model results for users

5 Practical steps in the future Formation of the sub-groups Intense modelling period in March – May 2005 –Noora Veijalainen, SYKE –collection of data –Model construction and development –MRCS IBFM (Integrated Basin Flow Management) scenario work –location Bangkok, Udon Thani, Vientiane?

6 Further future steps Training for the model users Use of the models (academic, governmental, provincial, etc.) Reporting and presentation of the results

7 Issues for the modelling Flooding mechanisms – effect of tributaries/Mekong water levels and flows Water quality Fisheries impacts Other?, irrigation?

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