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Training the Trainers Assessing the Learner Progress By Dr Malik Zaben IMET2000 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Training the Trainers Assessing the Learner Progress By Dr Malik Zaben IMET2000 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Training the Trainers Assessing the Learner Progress By Dr Malik Zaben IMET2000 1

2 Six Qs to ask about assessment IMET2000 2

3 Q1: Who should assess the student? International acrediting bodies Professional bodies The public and the patient Individual school The department or course committee The individual teacher The students themselves IMET2000 3

4 Q2: Why assess the student? Decisions whether the trainee is “fit for purpose” Assessment of student progress Grading or ranking the students Enhancing learning Motivating students Provision of feedback IMET2000 4

5 Q3:What should be assessed? Matched closely with the specified outcomes (competency-based) Objectives?KnowledgeSkills IMET2000 5

6 Q4: How should the students be assessed? Reliable and consistent ValidFeasible Has a positive impact IMET2000 6

7 Q5: When should the student be assessed? At the end of the course During the course IMET2000 7

8 Q6: Where should the students be assessed? Formal examination hall Hospital wards Workplace Where teaching takes place IMET2000 8

9 Written and computer-based assessment IMET2000 9

10 The elements of written assessment The stimulus The students response The assessment of the students response Standard setting IMET2000 10

11 Types of written assessment Essay questions The learners general understanding Higher level skills (synthesis & organisation) Written communication skills Aspects related to attitudes and ethics BUT, The contact area samples is small The scoring is subjective & time consuming IMET2000 11

12 Wider range of content Objective Qs banks allow sharing of questions BUT, Evaluate knowledge without in depth understanding Guessing Types of written assessment MCQs IMET2000 12

13 The technology Computers for MCQs Automatic scoring Adaptive testing, not routinely used IMET2000 13

14 Clinical and Performance Assessment It is key to an assessment of the students ability to practice IMET2000 14

15 Clinical and Performance Assessment IMET2000 15

16 The objective structured clinical examination OSCE The gold standard for assessment of clinical competencies Typically: 2hrs duration, 24 stations, 5min each, Assessment of a wide sample of competencies Reduces subjective bias IMET2000 16

17 Portfolio Assessment A collection of evidence that learning has taken place Outcomes and competencies can be assessed Overall view of learners achievements Re-enforces student cantered approach IMET2000 17

18 Thanks…Qs IMET2000 18

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