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FASSET SDF NEEDS ANALYSIS OVERVIEW. OBJECTIVES OF THE NEEDS ANALYSIS  To determine SDF learning needs  To determine the best methods for meeting these.

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Presentation on theme: "FASSET SDF NEEDS ANALYSIS OVERVIEW. OBJECTIVES OF THE NEEDS ANALYSIS  To determine SDF learning needs  To determine the best methods for meeting these."— Presentation transcript:


2 OBJECTIVES OF THE NEEDS ANALYSIS  To determine SDF learning needs  To determine the best methods for meeting these needs  To get SDFs’ views on a possible SDF Excellence Award

3 THE RESPONDENTS  Nine from large companies  Eight from medium companies  Eleven from small companies  Three Fasset Skills Development Advisors (FSAs)

4 THE RESPONDENTS (Cont)  SDFs who are employees and consultants  Selected randomly per company size

5 THE FINDINGS (1)  The majority of SDFs spend less that 35% of their time on SDF functions  Most SDFs gained their skills as SDFs through experience and reading information

6 THE FINDINGS (2)  SDFs greatest learning needs are: Competency-based assessment and RPL Aligning learning interventions to SAQA Requirements Developing a Quality Management System Developing a Workplace Skills Plan

7 THE FINDINGS (3)  The most popular mechanisms for acquiring SDF competencies and information are: Half day breakfast Booklets Newsletters Full day training emails

8 THE FINDINGS (4)  All respondents support the idea of completing a modular menu of training (at different levels) on various topics with multiple entry and exit points, so that they could enter and exit at their interest and competency level

9 THE FINDINGS (5)  Most SDFs feel that they would benefit from attending training  Most SDFs thought that they should have access to RPL

10 THE FINDINGS (6)  All SDFs support the idea of Fasset endorsing both the SDF and the organisation with a quality management endorsement in Skills Development Excellence  Most SDFs thought that this would benefit their careers

11 THE FINDINGS (7)  Most SDFs did not see their role as extending beyond completing the Workplace Skills Plan and Workplace Skills Plan Implementation Grant  SDFs in organisations tend to be very diverse, including : CEOs, directors, consultants and secretaries

12 THE FINDINGS (8)  There was a very strong feeling amongst SDFs that small, medium and large companies have very different needs regarding skills development and that training initiatives should take account of this

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