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1. 2 qualification vs. competence … the future of aerospace auditing Shanya Salamaca Executive Director The Americas RABQSA International, Inc.

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1 1

2 2 qualification vs. competence … the future of aerospace auditing Shanya Salamaca Executive Director The Americas RABQSA International, Inc

3 3  do you consider yourself competent  if so … why  against what do you judge your competence  has this ‘standard’ been defined, measured and independently examined  if so by whom… and are they competent observations …

4 4 ISO 19011defines auditor ‘competence’ as “…the ability to demonstrate knowledge, skills and personal attributes…” In support of 19011, RABQSA defines competence as …. “… the ability to demonstrate a specific auditing task to the required standard of performance under specific auditing conditions” what is ‘competence’ ?

5 5 currently there are two types of auditor certification schemes available in the international market … qualification-based (used currently in the AQMS schemes) competency-based   auditor certification

6 6  The “traditional” method relies on …  attendance at a training course  maintenance of audit logs (days auditing)  years experience  maintenance of CPD logs (days spent in PD) ….. none of above requirements provide an objective measurement of competence qualification based …

7 7  relies on …  examination of defined auditing knowledge  examination of defined auditing skills  examination of specific personal attributes specific to the appropriate industry sector  recognition of specific tertiary qualifications ….. competencies are defined and measured by the industry (market) in which the auditor provides his/her services competency based …

8 8  competency-based auditor certification demands …  definition of the auditing task and associated risk  description of the auditing conditions  measurement (to what level of performance?)  objective, reliable and impartial examination …. if you cannot measure, you cannot examine competence requirements

9 9 challenges “Competence” – easy to say, difficult to prove What will the regulators accept? How do you ensure objectivity in examination? How do you reach consensus among parties with very varied views on competence - in a timely manner? Must have industry buy-in to succeed

10 10 competency-based evaluation

11 11  auditors are ‘where the rubber hits the road’ in terms of the credibility of conformity assessment  must add tangible (measurable) value to the business … in addition to conformity  auditors need to speak and understand ‘business language’  risk based  auditors must improve their competence through directed professional development (and examination) future of auditing

12 12 questions ?

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