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Human Resource Management Recruitment and Selection.

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Presentation on theme: "Human Resource Management Recruitment and Selection."— Presentation transcript:

1 Human Resource Management Recruitment and Selection

2 Human Resource Planning Forecast labor demand Forecast labor supply Strategies/actions to match supply and demand

3 Basic Selection Strategies Pure selection Vocational guidance Compromise

4 Jobs ApplicantsIIIIIIIVV A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. Pure Selection.8 Vocational Guidance.63 Compromise.74

5 Psychometric Properties Reliability Test re-test Parallel forms Inter-rater Internal consistency Validity Face Content Construct Criterion-related Concurrent Predictive Validity generalization Meta-analysis

6 What Every Employer Wants Large applicant pool Valid selection device Minimize false positives

7 Selection Tools (from p. 100) ToolValidityCost(dev/admin) General Mental Ability.5 -.7Low/low Structured Interviews.4 -.45High/high Unstructured Interviews.2 -.3Low/high Work samples.3 -.4High/high Job knowledge tests.4 -.5High/low Personality tests.25 -.3Low/low Biodata (WAB or BIB).3 -.4High/low Work experience.3 -.4High/low Situational judgment tests.3 -.4High/low Integrity Tests.3 -.4Low/low Assessment Centers.3 -.45High/high Reference checks.2 -.3Low/low

8 Techniques Interviews Questions and the law Problems Types of interviews Structured vs. unstructured Situational (competency-based) Problems with students according to college recruiters Evidence that interviewers are overly influenced by first impressions Many times interviews are a search for negatives Resumes/Applications Weighted application blanks, bio-data

9 Techniques (continued) References/background checks Testing Personality Big 5 –Neuroticism (Emotional stability) –Extraversion –Openness to experience –Agreeableness –Conscientiousness Emotional Intelligence –Knowing ones emotions - self-awareness and recognizing an emotion when it occurs –Managing emotions - handling emotions in a fashion to build on self-awareness –Motivating oneself - the ability to channel emotions in the service of a goal –Recognizing emotions in others, or empathy -the appreciation of the differences in people and the sensitivity to other’s feelings. –Delaying gratification Core Self-evaluations

10 Techniques (continued) Testing – general mental abilities Wechsler Wonderlic Cognitive tests, validity, and banding Work samples Other (graphology, etc.) Assessment Centers

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