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Conscience in the Teaching of the Church From the Pastoral Constitution of the Church in the Modern World -Gaudium et Spes.

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Presentation on theme: "Conscience in the Teaching of the Church From the Pastoral Constitution of the Church in the Modern World -Gaudium et Spes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Conscience in the Teaching of the Church From the Pastoral Constitution of the Church in the Modern World -Gaudium et Spes

2 Conscience A law –not from oneself - deep within a person Love and do what is good, avoid evil Our secret core and sanctuary Alone with God Fulfilled in love of God & neighbour More correct conscience turns from blind choice guided by objective standards Goes astray through ignorance (sometimes unavoidable, sometimes by choice…)

3 Conscience vs. superego Maturing ▫Laws & rules imposed by authority  directing actions from within ▫Other-directed  self-directed ▫Others are listened to, but you make own moral judgment It is healthy to distinguish what comes from our conscience and what is from superego

4 Conscience is not A feeling that something is right or wrong A feeling of guilt (although the feeling can tell us that something is amiss) A fear of punishment

5 Freud’s elements Id: unconscious reservoir of instinctual drives dominated by pleasure principle (libido) Ego: conscious structure mediating forces of id, the demands of society & the reality of the physical world, and the Superego: (the ego of another superimposed on our own as an internal censor), ▫Stores the “shoulds” and “have-tos” ▫We’re good following authority, bad when we don’t

6 O’Connell’s 3 Senses of Conscience 1.A Capacity to recognize right & wrong ▫Basic orientation  know the good  Do good / avoid evil (principle of synderesis) ▫Essential to the identity of humans 2.Process of moral reasoning ▫Learn facts, to reason correctly ▫A lifelong process 3.Judgment ▫Acting on what one believes to be right ▫One is “bound to follow one’s conscience.”

7 Development of Conscience As we mature, our sense of right/wrong (as formed within family 1 st ) As we take account of norms, values, virtues, commandments of Christian tradition As we become aware of our weakness / fragility and need for others and God As we receive sacraments & pray As we grow in humility (we alone are not the final arbiters of right/wrong)

8 Conscience can be malformed Immoral actions Faulty reasoning Faulty value structures Misinformation Ignorance ▫Vincible ▫Invincible

9 Symptoms of a misinformed Conscience Rationalization Trivialization Misinformation The end justifies the immoral means Means to an end Difficult to reason

10 Moral Decision- Making (p. 58) Searching for Good, responding to a moral question Reason Openness to new insights Be honest & truthful Exercise prudence Seek wisdom Pray / Be guided by Gospel Be guided by Church teachings Feelings Reflect on personal experiences & circumstances Intuition The community, Social sciences Senses

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