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Scripture teaches human life is sacred.

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2 Scripture teaches human life is sacred.
16 week unborn baby © Life Issues Institute Scripture teaches human life is sacred. “For you formed my inward parts; You knit me together in my mother’s womb.” Psalm 139:13

3 36 years ago that foundation cracked.
Sanctity of Human Life is a foundation providing guidance regarding how we treat others. 36 years ago that foundation cracked.

4 January 22, 1973

5 Roe v. Wade Repealed all state laws prohibiting abortion. Doe v. Bolton Extended the right to abortion to the entire 9 months of pregnancy.

6 7 out of 9 ruled that all human life is NOT sacred.

7 Abortion legal in all 50 states
Roe v. Wade Abortion legal in all 50 states States could only apply restrictions in the last 3 months of pregnancy – unless the life or “health” of the mother was at stake

8 Defined “health” as all factors:
Doe v. Bolton Defined “health” as all factors: Physical Emotional Psychological Familial Woman’s age

9 Abortion for ANY REASON throughout all 9 months of pregnancy
“Health” = Abortion for ANY REASON throughout all 9 months of pregnancy

10 36 years later . . . The Aftermath

11 Why do so many women have abortions?

12 Relationship problems/Young & unmarried
Reasons: Convenience Financial Concerns Relationship problems/Young & unmarried According to Family Planning Perspectives

13 Too many express regret and say they felt “alone.”

14 We have not met the needs of women and children

15 50 million have been denied the Right to Life
Since January 22, 50 million have been denied the Right to Life 1.2 million unborn children are denied life EVERY YEAR

16 Recognize all human life is sacred
It’s time . . . Repair the foundation Recognize all human life is sacred

17 Modern technology and science has uncovered the miraculous developments of the unborn child.
8 week unborn baby © Life Issues Institute

18 Heart starts beating at 22 days Eyes begin to develop by the 4th week
At 6 weeks, the baby hiccups and moves spontaneously

19 Each person is a masterpiece

20 Today is a new day. “This is the day which the Lord has made; Let us rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24

21 Educate yourself - Volunteer Pray Donate Become involved
Let others know they are special and unique Speak out

Decide today . . . To defend Protect And value ALL INNOCENT HUMAN LIFE


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